VXII jealous of Cushman

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cushman eagle
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VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by cushman eagle »

I went out to my garage yesterday,and saw the VXII was so jealous of the time I spent recently working on the Cushman,it decided to get some service time for itself :gig:. There under the right side of the water manifold were small drops of coolant gently dripping to the floor. :cry2: .Soo,no ride on this 50o day :cry2: .Instead,I removed the coolant manifold,water pump, and began the process of changing all coolant hoses and Orings.I see no parts listed for rebuilding the water pump,so I e-mailed Carl to see if such exists :hmm:At least this happened at the beginning of "winter service season" :laughing: :corn:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by cushman eagle »

Carl already called me back already :thmup: .He has the water pump parts, and gave me advice on doing the repair,telling me the critical hoses to replace. :clap: It is great to have someone with the experience he has,and that is so friendly,and willing to share his wisdom, in our club. :woohoo:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
cushman eagle
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by cushman eagle »

Finally got winter service done on VXII :thmup: which include cooling system service.There has been no hurry since there has been no riding weather for a month already :cold: and non forcast in the near future. :please: :corn:
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by sheiserman »

did you happen to replace the hoses that connect to the water pump pipes (one to the manifold, one to the radiator)?

I'm only asking because I replaced all the hoses, and when it was time to put the radiator back on, there was a 3/4" gap between the bottom of the radiator and where it mounts to the frame. I assumed that was due to new hoses and cool temps. The old (short, lower) hose had a small kink in it, so I ran the screws in.

I would love to hear you had the same thing. I haven't pressure tested or refilled anything yet to know if I did a good or bad thing.
cushman eagle
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by cushman eagle »

I replaced all the hoses, except the one from the thermostat housing to the radiator cap.I had no problem with the radiator remounting however.I also decided to replace the brushes in the alternator,although there was some life left in them.I started it today and left it run long enough to have it turn the fan on and off three times. :thmup:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by Lucasind »

....Sounds like the XII is good to go ...See you in the rockies ... ?
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by trikebldr »

Sounds like a "Herbie" story to me! Did "VXII" pee on your foot?
cushman eagle
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by cushman eagle »

I forgot to mention to sheiserman that I used bike bandit part# 809807 for the hose from the radiator to the water pump tube.With that hose I had no trouble putting the radiator back in place. :thmup: I also was amazed how many bugs were in the radiator :hmm: .I had to take it to our shop to soak and wash,soak and wash,soak and wash.We have a gas powered pressure washer, which I could slow down, so I would not blow through the core to get it clean.No trikbldr,it did not pee on my foot,I was not even going to ride it when I saw it dripping,I just happened to look at it as I was in my garage and saw it wanted attention. :cry2: Tony,I am trying to get a firm quote on a new roof for my house.The Tuesday before Thanksgiving gave us a windstorm which took part of my roof off.I found out that my 25 year roof is due to be replaced after 17 years.I got it repaired,but it is bad enough to not risk one more year.My repairmen gave me a guess,which would allow me to budget going to the rally.I would like a firm contract before making a commitment for the rally.
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by sheiserman »

I've used Partshark for everything so far. All their hoses start with the 39062 sequence. It all comes in Kawasaki wrappers, so we've got to be close. I had the "opportunity" to take it all back apart today. I flipped the lower hose around, and it made no difference with that gap. I ran it for a while, and it seems to be ok.
cushman eagle
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by cushman eagle »

Does it seem a little too long as if you could trim about 1/2 inch off the length to bring the radiator back a little? :hmm: :thk: :corn:
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Re: VXII jealous of Cushman

Post by sheiserman »

What you are suggesting reminds me of what I've read about finesse. That's not really something I bring to the game.

Would be a pretty simple fix. If the goofballs at Kawasaki would have made the top rad. hose 1/2" longer and the bottom 1/2" shorter, I'd be in tall cotton. But, they didn't.

I'm thinking the smaller dia. bypass hose is plenty long too. Perhaps a little off each of those will do.

I'm considering wheel bearings next. Hold my beer and watch this.
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