Your so right, There is such an abundance of 1200's in Ohio, I had a guy give me one for free this weekend. It was a long trip out there and I didn't get any sleep this weekend going out there and back ( 1,165 miles ) But it is a 2000 /1200 , just like mine.
On the way back east leaving at 2:00 in the afternoon, two voyagers past me, while I was pulling a voyager in the trailer east on I-70 ( three running voyagers on the same roadway.....) Felt like a rally...
I have given a few bikes away in my time to help others keep their bikes going with parts and I guess Karma has a way or rewarding the good you do. This will surely keep my bike running and have some spare items for others. Right off the bat, there is a back rest from it I would like to get off to someone.
Anyway Loren , your state has quite a few 1200 's still rolling around. Keep up the good work Ohio....
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)