Throwing in the towel to your advantage

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Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider

Posts: 68
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:07 am
Current bike(s): 1988 Kawasaki Voyager XII
Location: Garland, Texas
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Re: Throwing in the towel to your advantage

Post by Waterwalker »

I am so happy that this bike is going to an "ALLSTATE" kind of guy where it will be in good hands :thmup: . Once again, AVA has proved itself that there are still folks out there where business can be done on a person's word and handshake. Will look so forward to seeing this bike on the road, as she has many more good miles left in her. Thanks Tony for making space for some "honey do"projects :gmad: , and boat projects to finish.
1988 Kawasaki Voyager XII
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Re: Throwing in the towel to your advantage

Post by Lucasind »

:thmup:Michael, Thanks for selling me your bike , It has a new home where it will get lots of attention and love ! :gig: ...........................Tony :-D
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