ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

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ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Van Voyager »

Searched for this but didn't find anything.

The tank on my 86 apparently holds 7.1 US Gal. According to my trip computer, I average about 40 MPG (probably optimistic as the specs I've seen show 34mpg) which means my theoretical max single tank range (on level ground) would be approximately 284 miles [457 km] (or perhaps more realistically 241 m [387 km]. Does that seem reasonable?

In addition, since it's currently a popular thread on the Voyager II sub...

The tank has a 1.2US Gal reserve so 41~48 mile range (best case). Seems to me I'll hit reserve shortly after the fuel warning indicator is on steady.
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by triton28 »

If you decide to perform the "Fuel low level" light test on a deserted stretch of the TCH, I'm sure you would remember to have a spare gallon of gas to drop into the tank.
I never use it on my 1200, but for those who do rely on the light, it seems as though the light may not work more than it does work.
I suppose I should check mine some day.
I will get one of those 2 gallon gas jugs for a reserve backup and drive beyond the light coming on, recording the distance I can go after the light comes on until I run out. Or I can drive until I run out without the light having come on.
Either way I will then know if my light is reliable or not.
Lord knows when I may get around to doing this.
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Me Again »

Many years ago I was heading home from a trip to the UP with another rider on a XII .
Since I knew I had the bigger tank and was getting near 40mpg with a trailer I decided to just go until they needed gas or we stopped for lunch.
Low level started flashing at 4.1 gallons as always and I hit reserve about 50 miles down the road .
Trip computer said I had another 13 miles before running out so I passed the gas station hoping to find a restaurant in the next town 7 miles down the road .
About 1 mile past the gas station she ran out of gas .Tipped it on the side to get the last drop and almost made it back .Siphoned a little gas from the XII and got it into the gas station .6.8 gallons 284 miles`.
Now I will run until reserve but head for a gas station after that .
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Van Voyager »

triton28 wrote:If you decide to perform the "Fuel low level" light test on a deserted stretch of the TCH, I'm sure you would remember to have a spare gallon of gas to drop into the tank.
It's not that bad on a ZN1300: it has a reserve which doesn't come into play until after the low fuel warning - I think it's different for the 1200 - it has no 'reserve' option on the fuel tap - is that right? (does it even have a fuel tap?)
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Van Voyager »

Thanks for posting MA.
Me Again wrote:...Low level started flashing at 4.1 gallons as always .....
Is a low fuel level warning at 4.1 common? There would still be 3 gal left at that point.
Me Again wrote:...as always and I hit reserve about 50 miles down the road
That would put you at about 4.1+1.25 (50 miles) = 5.35 + 1.2 (reserve) = 6.55. Seems like you're missing about half a gallon ???
Me Again wrote: .....6.8 gallons 284 miles`.
So that almost 42 mpg :shock: . Do you recall how that compared with what your trip computer displayed?
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by jorgeno »

In average my bike uses about 40 MPG. So you’re trip computer is pretty accurate. I usually fill my gas tank after 200 miles. And then 8liter (about 2.11 US gallon) is left.
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by triton28 »

Yes Van Voyager that is true; there is no reserve tap on the 1200s.
First bike I ever owned that didn't have a "RES" setting on a fuel valve.
Oh well, I always fill up after 150 miles or thereabouts so I should be OK.
Maybe I should look at getting some 1300s for the stable.
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Me Again »

That was more than 25 years ago.
I remember the 284 because it was such a high number especially considering I was pulling a trailer.I remember the 6.8 because I was thinking there must be a few drops hiding in the tank someplace .
I think the only reason the XII was still going strong was because he topped his tank off before we started and I had topped mine off the evening before and had a few miles on it already .That and the fact that a XII gets better gas mileage.
4.1/4.2 is pretty consistent and a little over a gallon before you have to hit reserve .I usually hit reserve ahead of time because it is hard to switch over doing 70+ mph on the interstate when the bike suddenly runs out of gas .
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Van Voyager »

I'm in the middle of a long trip. I been generally filling up at about 200 miles (my butt needs a rest by then :gmad: ) however I did hit reserve once at about 230. Bit of weird (or maybe not) behavior though - when the engine began to starve for fuel, I immediately switched to reserve but the bike would not keep going. I had to coast down hill to a stop where I shut the bike off, turned it on again and it started up. When I turned the ignition on, I could hear the fuel pump start up and a weird gurgling sound in the tank - presumably from the 'return flow' gurgling out some air. Not sure why the bike didn't continue when I switched to reserve - my theory is the fuel pump ran dry and shut off - does that make sense? If that's the case, I'd need to switch to reserve, turn the ignition off then back on (to restart the fuel pump) - not an ideal procedure - or switch to reserve before actually running dry.
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Me Again »

I to have had occasion when I needed to come to a stop and restart.That's a pain on the intestate so I usually switch switch before I get to reserve.
If you have a petty good idea how far you have gone since the low light comes on and how far you need to go before a fuel stop you can figure it petty good.
I would rather switch a little early then try it at 80 mph on the interstate.
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Re: ZN1300 Fuel Range ?

Post by Van Voyager »

Me Again wrote:I would rather switch a little early then try it at 80 mph on the interstate.
Good advice. Thanks.
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