2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider
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1978 KZ650 D1 SR - Has liked: 155 times
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2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
This is where you can say if you are attending the rally, no I'm not attending the rally, or maybe you are attending the rally and also how many are in your party.
When you declare how many are in your party keep in mind, tie that into your registration.
This is voluntary but you never know someone may see you and say I know them and then they might decide to go also.
If you decide to use this make sure that you make your declaration at the bottom of the first post (My post).
that is where you say-- yes-maybe-no----how many if you are attending---- and comment if you want
it will put your user name if you are attending number in party and the comment if you did one
and it will be in my post the very first post and it is like a sticky does not move.
One thing that was not mentioned is that with some browsers the comment box is invisible. It is there. It is right between where it says comment and the enter button. Do a little hunting it is there. ( Watch video).
Should you need to add or change anything just do it like you haven't done it. Re-enter yes, maybe, or no, enter the number of attendees find the comment box (under the black down arrow and the enter button) after the information is changed to the way you want it to click on the enter button. Your information is now updated.
Video on how to enter the information
When you declare how many are in your party keep in mind, tie that into your registration.
This is voluntary but you never know someone may see you and say I know them and then they might decide to go also.
If you decide to use this make sure that you make your declaration at the bottom of the first post (My post).
that is where you say-- yes-maybe-no----how many if you are attending---- and comment if you want
it will put your user name if you are attending number in party and the comment if you did one
and it will be in my post the very first post and it is like a sticky does not move.
One thing that was not mentioned is that with some browsers the comment box is invisible. It is there. It is right between where it says comment and the enter button. Do a little hunting it is there. ( Watch video).
Should you need to add or change anything just do it like you haven't done it. Re-enter yes, maybe, or no, enter the number of attendees find the comment box (under the black down arrow and the enter button) after the information is changed to the way you want it to click on the enter button. Your information is now updated.
Video on how to enter the information
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
- Lucasind
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Re: 2019 Summersville Wv. Rally Attendees
Click on the small "black arrow" to get started ........
Comments below were added by the webmaster.
One thing that was not mentioned is that with some browsers the comment box is invisible. It is there . It is right between where it says comment and the enter button. Do a little hunting it is there. ( Watch video).
Should you need to add or change anything just do it like you haven't done it. Re-enter yes, maybe, or no, enter the number of attendees find the comment box (under the black down arrow and the enter button), after information is changed to the way you want it click on the enter button. Your information is now updated.
Comments below were added by the webmaster.
One thing that was not mentioned is that with some browsers the comment box is invisible. It is there . It is right between where it says comment and the enter button. Do a little hunting it is there. ( Watch video).
Should you need to add or change anything just do it like you haven't done it. Re-enter yes, maybe, or no, enter the number of attendees find the comment box (under the black down arrow and the enter button), after information is changed to the way you want it click on the enter button. Your information is now updated.
- ekap1200
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Re: 2019 Summersville Wv. Rally Attendees
Wow, less than a days ride, doable with just one week off work. We will be there for sure. We could do this ride in the rain the whole way. And lately our new motto is , IT ALWAYS RAINS WHEN WE RIDE .....
We have both missed seeing all of you and really felt bad not being able to attend this year.
Marie and Gene Kap.
We have both missed seeing all of you and really felt bad not being able to attend this year.
Marie and Gene Kap.
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
- Scott-(Altoona, PA)
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Re: 2019 Summersville Wv. Rally Attendees
Put in my vacation request already for June 24~28, 2019.
Boss kind of looked at me a bit weird but then understood. So unless we get a surprise wedding to plan in less than a year, Beth and I will be there. I would like to talk a few others into going as well but who knows how that would work out.
Anything is possible!
Boss kind of looked at me a bit weird but then understood. So unless we get a surprise wedding to plan in less than a year, Beth and I will be there. I would like to talk a few others into going as well but who knows how that would work out.
Anything is possible!

Mid-Atlantic Voyagers chapter secretary {"scribe"}
2001 Voyager XII
We may not know them all, but we owe them all! Thank a Veteran today!
2001 Voyager XII
We may not know them all, but we owe them all! Thank a Veteran today!
- vxiirider
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Re: 2019 Summersville Wv. Rally Attendees
Looks like a trip of about 550 miles for us and we should be able to manage that in a couple of days, so we are looking forward to seeing everyone again. Sure missed the "family reunion" this year and hope that you all had a safe and pleasant ride home after this years gathering in Texas .
John and Mary Jane
John and Mary Jane
John Ramsay
Charlotte, Michigan
'02 GL 1800 Goldwing Trike
It's the journey, not the destination
Charlotte, Michigan
'02 GL 1800 Goldwing Trike
It's the journey, not the destination
- King of the Road
- Posts: 2017
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- Current bike(s): '99 Kawasaki Voyager 1200
1958 Cushman Eagle restoration has been finished,and have put 3030 miles on her! - Location: Orrville,Ohio
- Has liked: 881 times
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Re: 2019 Summersville Wv. Rally Attendees
That will be a short afternoon ride for us,240 miles,
If we forget something just go home before dinner and grab it 

'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
- forplay
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
I might of even talked the wife in going to this rally. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. 

Keep the shiny side up
- Steverides5
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
Oops did a typo. Actually 2 riders not 12. Also I can’t seem to find any info reguarding where everyone is staying etc. Anyone that can help with additional info would be appreciated. Thanks to all. Steve G
Having fun whenever possible is never overrated!
- Highway Rider
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2006 VN900
1978 KZ650 D1 SR - Has liked: 155 times
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
To correct the number of participants just do it again and put the number as 2.
When the hotel information becomes available it will be posted on the rally page.
When the hotel information becomes available it will be posted on the rally page.
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
- hank43
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
2547 miles for us! Wonder how much rain we will hit?
Never meddle in the affairs of a dragon, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
- Piper
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
OK, Huge logistical issue here.
I would like to attend the rally, I would like to come on my bike.
Does anybody know of a shipping company that would get my bike and me to the USA from the UK in time for the rally and a few weeks of riding around the states. Also, Is there camping in the area? (I know I could google it but rather fellow bikers give recommendations if that makes sense).
Looking forward to seeing you there if I can get the logistics sorted.
Piper (The UK)
I would like to attend the rally, I would like to come on my bike.
Does anybody know of a shipping company that would get my bike and me to the USA from the UK in time for the rally and a few weeks of riding around the states. Also, Is there camping in the area? (I know I could google it but rather fellow bikers give recommendations if that makes sense).
Looking forward to seeing you there if I can get the logistics sorted.
Piper (The UK)
- hank43
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
There may be a bike rental company available in the area, or maybe in one of the larger cities in the area if you can't find a company to transport your machine.
Just a thought!
There may be a bike rental company available in the area, or maybe in one of the larger cities in the area if you can't find a company to transport your machine.
Just a thought!
Never meddle in the affairs of a dragon, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
- King of the Road
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1958 Cushman Eagle restoration has been finished,and have put 3030 miles on her! - Location: Orrville,Ohio
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Re: 2019 Summersville Wv. Rally Attendees
Peg and I just sent in our registration form for the rallycushman eagle wrote:That will be a short afternoon ride for us,240 miles,If we forget something just go home before dinner and grab it

Now we are waiting to see about the hotel information .
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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1978 KZ650 D1 SR - Has liked: 155 times
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
I will post hotel info as soon as we get the info from the hotel
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
I have made a reservation at the hotel and sent in the AVA rally form.. My wife has not decided yet if she will attend-----jimvoyager01

- King of the Road
- Posts: 2017
- Joined: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:08 pm
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- Current bike(s): '99 Kawasaki Voyager 1200
1958 Cushman Eagle restoration has been finished,and have put 3030 miles on her! - Location: Orrville,Ohio
- Has liked: 881 times
- Been liked: 304 times
Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
To ad to the great rides listed with the rally schedule,I would also like to ride to the Cass Scenic Railroad 
It features live steam rides,and is about 95 miles from Summersville.
And yah,I am a train buff,loved Altoona.

It features live steam rides,and is about 95 miles from Summersville.
And yah,I am a train buff,loved Altoona.

'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
- Highway Rider
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- Current bike(s): 2003 ZG1200 Voyager
2006 VN900
1978 KZ650 D1 SR - Has liked: 155 times
- Been liked: 40 times
Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
I will see about adding it to the rally page . Just need to figure out what I want to post there 

Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
- Highway Rider
- Webmaster
- Posts: 852
- Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:19 pm
- 16
- Current bike(s): 2003 ZG1200 Voyager
2006 VN900
1978 KZ650 D1 SR - Has liked: 155 times
- Been liked: 40 times
Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
I did get a image and a clickable link on the rally page for the Cass Depot for those that love steam locomotive and train rides 

Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
IBA 1500 miles in 24 hours
IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
IBA 1000 miles in 24 hours
It's not the destination, It's the ride
- King of the Road
- Posts: 2017
- Joined: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:08 pm
- 14
- Current bike(s): '99 Kawasaki Voyager 1200
1958 Cushman Eagle restoration has been finished,and have put 3030 miles on her! - Location: Orrville,Ohio
- Has liked: 881 times
- Been liked: 304 times
Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
Thank you ,Jim for that link
If others are interested,we could make reservations as a group,as we get closer to Rally time

If others are interested,we could make reservations as a group,as we get closer to Rally time

'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
- Scott-(Altoona, PA)
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Re: 2019 Summersville WV Rally Attendees
Rally registration has been sent and hotel reservations made today. My wife and I are looking forward to this and hope to see everyone there!
Ride safe and smart!
Arrive Very Alive!

Ride safe and smart!

Arrive Very Alive!

Mid-Atlantic Voyagers chapter secretary {"scribe"}
2001 Voyager XII
We may not know them all, but we owe them all! Thank a Veteran today!
2001 Voyager XII
We may not know them all, but we owe them all! Thank a Veteran today!