86 ZN1300 Brake Hose Lenght(s)

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Van Voyager
Grand Tourer
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86 ZN1300 Brake Hose Lenght(s)

Post by Van Voyager »

Posted a variation of this before.. ....

I want to upgrade the original front and rear brake hoses on my ZN1300 to SS braided lines. I can't find a convenient 4 line 'kit' anywhere (at a reasonable price) so I found a buddy that can make them up locally. Does anyone have a set of old ZN1300 lines laying around that they could provide some hose length measurements? I could take mine off, as indeed I'll have to when the time comes, but that puts the bike out of commission for a while (even from moving it around the garage) and I don't want to have to drain and clean the brake systems more than once. Thanks for any help.
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