Dropping oil plan

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Dropping oil plan

Post by samchar12 »

How difficult is it to drop the oil pan on one of these? I dropped the valve shim tool (flat one) down into the engine and need to get it out. I tried getting a magnet down there, but there isn't a lot of space to negotiate and visibility is basically nil.

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Re: Dropping oil plan

Post by Van Voyager »

Been so long since I've taken the pan off (KZ1300) that I can't remember. I think you have to take the exhaust off so that means the rad has to come off. Electronic bore scopes that plug into your phone or laptop are really cheap these days - that might help locate your lost tool if it worked, it would be a lot easier than taking the pan off.
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Re: Dropping oil plan

Post by samchar12 »

Thanks. In looking I saw that the exhaust would have to come off. I wonder if I can just losen the radiator without removing it. Looks like only a few allen heads hold the pan on. Given how long it sat I am curious to see what might be in the sump anyway.
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Re: Dropping oil plan

Post by samchar12 »

Got the pan off pretty easily. Dropped the exhaust and was surprised none of the bolts were rusted solid. Cleaned the crud from the pan, got out my tool and put it back together. Took the opportunity to also rinse out the radiator as it had some crud in it as well. All in all a good days work.
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Re: Dropping oil plan

Post by Van Voyager »

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Re: Dropping oil plan

Post by Van Voyager »

How did the inside of the oil pan look?
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Re: Dropping oil plan

Post by samchar12 »

I actually didn't think it looked all that bad, other than the valve tool sitting there. The surfaces were coated with a think oil residue I guess you would call it. A few squirts with brake parts cleaner and it all washed away, good as new.
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