borderlands blast

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borderlands blast

Post by Nails »

Tomorrow morning I plan to take off for a loop along the Mexican border, half-way up the California coast, across the Sierras and Nevada, down through southern Utah, and back to northern New Mexico.

Tomorrow night I have a reservation in a cabin just barely into Arizona, at Alpine. That night is supposed to be in the 20's, and I really don't feel like putting up with that in a tent. That's the only motel planned for the whole trip. (Alpine is no higher than where I live, but tonight will only get down to 45-or-so here.)

I hope to post photos, but tomorrow also has a high wind advisory, and it's a headwind. So I suspect I'll have an attitude failure regarding photos ... and it's all basically still "home" anyway. Besides, god only knows when I'll have an internet connection. (Actually, I might not post again until Tuesday, after I make it to my wife's appt in LA. So, I guess this post is just a placekeeper.)

The good news:
  • On Saturday, I'll cruise the 194-or-so curves on US-191, a motorcycle classic.
  • I expect a cool spell for a few days, so that the borderlands will only get up to the 80's, a good ten degrees below normal. (I wanted to do this trip two months ago!)
Cruise control or not, I'm totally stoked. And the bike is mostly packed!
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by cranky »

Have a good trip and enjoy the loop!!!!! Will enjoy what pics you get to take!!!
Hope the Sierra's are good to you!!!!
'03 Voyager - VROC pics of Gina
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by Nails »

I'm trying to move tonight's cabin reservation back one day because today's headwind is looking pretty heinous. There's a high wind advisory for my entire route.

"Southwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts around 60 to 65 mph." :!!

[Edit: I finally got through to someone who changed my reservation to tomorrow night. These crazy winds are passing through really fast, presumably heading northeast. (I'm getting phone emergency messages about nearby mandatory fire evacuations.)

Tomorrow will just be garden-variety winds, but the temps are all over the board. In the next three days it'll be from 40 to 95 (100+ just after I pass through). An adventure!]
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by cranky »

... always been a fan of taking 1 north to south, have tail winds
and on the outside of the road for view and pull offs... if you're
careful.... your life - your choice.. make it a good one!!!
'03 Voyager - VROC pics of Gina
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by Nails »

I inherited my wife's iPhone, and she had it set up for Amber alerts. But I lost interest years ago, and now our daughter is a US Marine.

I'm suddenly getting new emergency alerts (the phone screeching kind) -- in 25 years living here, I got my first one today. In fact, right now, I'm under three emergency alerts:
  • High Wind Warning: Southwest winds 40 to 55 mph with gusts up to 75 mph possible. Turning west and decreasing 30 to 40 mph with occasional gusts to 65 through the evening hours. [I had intended to ride about 7 hours to the southwest today.]
  • Red Flag Warning: Any fires that develop will spread rapidly and will be hard to control. Long range spotting and extreme fire behavior will be possible today. Outdoor burning should not be done. [There's actually a big campaign fire just 25 miles away, but thankfully downwind -- they're under mandatory evacuations. I've generally been on 1% relative humidity for the last week.]
  • Dust Storm Warning: Dust storms create dangerous driving conditions with visibility reduced to near zero. If you encounter a dust storm, pull off the road, turn off your lights and keep your foot off the brake. [I've seen these in southern New Mexico, but never before up here.]
So all this crops up on the very day I plan to start a big touring loop right into the teeth of this stormy weather. Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO! (I suppose next it'll be hail ... or locusts.)
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by cushman eagle »

Nails wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:00 pm Tomorrow morning I plan to take off for a loop along the Mexican border, half-way up the California coast, across the Sierras and Nevada, down through southern Utah, and back to northern New Mexico.

Tomorrow night I have a reservation in a cabin just barely into Arizona, at Alpine. That night is supposed to be in the 20's, and I really don't feel like putting up with that in a tent. That's the only motel planned for the whole trip. (Alpine is no higher than where I live, but tonight will only get down to 45-or-so here.)

I hope to post photos, but tomorrow also has a high wind advisory, and it's a headwind. So I suspect I'll have an attitude failure regarding photos ... and it's all basically still "home" anyway. Besides, god only knows when I'll have an internet connection. (Actually, I might not post again until Tuesday, after I make it to my wife's appt in LA. So, I guess this post is just a placekeeper.)

The good news:
  • On Saturday, I'll cruise the 194-or-so curves on US-191, a motorcycle classic.
  • I expect a cool spell for a few days, so that the borderlands will only get up to the 80's, a good ten degrees below normal. (I wanted to do this trip two months ago!)
Cruise control or not, I'm totally stoked. And the bike is mostly packed!
Have a great trip :thmup: ,Nails,and keep us posted on your progress :hmm:
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by Nails »

I left this morning at about 7:30, on I-25 near Santa Fe. Calm and just above freezing. Within 15 minutes the sun was out and the temp up to 40; and in another half hour I was down to 5K ft and the temp was up to 50F. I finally started to warm up an hour later, when the temp along the Rio Grande was almost 60.

But then I turned west on US-60, which climbed up to 6500 ft and the temps went back into the 40's. I finally wimped out in Magdalena and put on an electric jacket liner. I'm in my summer riding gear and was too cold to fuss with photos. There wasn't much to see anyway. I went past the VLA, which was way cool 35 years ago, but now these huge dishes are all over the place. Also around the northern edge of the Plains of San Agustin, some 50 miles long and surrounded by ancient Indian camps. Now it's mostly large ranches. (I had a biting headwind, but not as bad as expected.)

The western end of the Plains is in Catron County, which I would describe as a cross between new-age cowboys (who think they're the old-age kind -- some have lived here for generations -- but I suspect many of them watch John Wayne movies to see how they're supposed to dress up) and hippies (some have lived here for decades, and they dress just like cowboys anyway). The place reminds me of being at the dinner table of a couple who should've divorced long ago -- but they still have a sense of humor.

The gas station in Datil had different pumps for the different kinds of gas, and the pumps were innocent of credit cards. I was assured that it was 100% gas -- none of that ethanol crap for this bunch. The county is notoriously right-wing whacko -- I think they still have a law on the books that vehicles must carry 200 rounds of ammo at all times. I have genuinely fond memories of public meetings here, given that I was an environmental scientist doing the presentation. I'll tell you about it sometime. (The trick is to keep everyone laughing, which isn't really very hard.)

Anyway, with all that going around my mind and the countryside honestly kinda boring, it got warm enough to take off the electric gear. And then I got into the western edge of the Gila Mtns ("hee-la"), which are up and out of the grasslands and sage flats and into heavy Pondo pine timber. The valleys are extremely deep and steep, but I still only stopped for a couple photos.

[Edit: here are a couple photos just to show the general countryside. As mentioned, I was cold and not really into taking photos. I got a lot more later in the trip.]
Anyway, I made it to the tiny village of Alpine, AZ. We're about 8K ft elevation and tonight will be in the 20s. I'm in a very old motel -- which doesn't have a refrigerator, but I'll leave my ice stuff in the panniers and the weather should oblige). Tomorrow I'll ride from about freezing to about 95, off this Mogollon Rim ("mo-ghee-yone", into the low desert. I've got a campsite reservation in Organ Pipe Cactus Natl Mon.

Right now I'm just sipping my margarita and easing into travel mode.
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by cranky »

.... let the margaritas do their magic and start the new day in
"travel mode"!!! Onward!!! Enjoy!!!
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Post by Nails »

I got up early Sunday morning, heading south on US-191 from Alpine, AZ to Morenci. This is a pretty famous motorcycle road, and it did not disappoint. I left when the temp got into the high 30's, but the road climbed a lot right into the Gila Mtns. This was a Pondo forest, and some of the higher parts got into spruces.

These forests had huge wildfires in the last few years.
And lots of curves. The first 40-50 miles were like this.
Some of the curves had air shoulders. (And just like with MTBs, if you look at the air, that's where you'll go.)
There were also some animals on the road -- you know who you are.
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Suspicious sign

Post by Nails »

Lots of 30 MPH curves, with some 15 MPH slipped in. But then I saw this suspicious sign ...
And then ...
TenMPH.jpg (105.53 KiB) Viewed 8524 times
And the curves got kinda tight.
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Juniper grasslands

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The southern 40-50 miles were a lot of wonderful curves, broken up by some juniper grasslands.
I had lunch there: celery, smoked salmon, cheese crackers, an apple ... and ice-cold margarita. Life is good.
These are Alligator junipers.
I ended up going through the middle of the Morenci copper mine, which is huge (check it out in Google Earth). The geology near the mine has weird rocks -- which is why the mine is there.
And that's US-191 -- my favorite curvy road of all time. It's tucked into the SE corner of AZ, a couple hundred miles from Flagstaff. But I'd have to recommend trying to find a detour through there!
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Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

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US-191 dumped me into the low desert. I followed 191 to I-10, rode through Tucson (temps in the 80s), and across the Tohono O'Odham Rez (AZ-86) to Why, AZ (at a prominent Y-intersection, but the powers that be wouldn't allow a one-letter town name).

I spent Sunday night in OPCNM. Here's a couple namesake cactus on the south side of my campsite.
This kind of cactus grows all over Mexico, but in the US they don't grow much of anywhere except in OPCNM. My campsite had some Saguaros on the north side.
One weird thing about this park is that it has only one paved road that happens to be a port of entry. So there was a ton of through-traffic, lots of people obviously communing to work. (You can tell by the times and way they drive.) But in the middle of the day, there wasn't much traffic on this AZ-85.
The rest of the park's roads are unpaved; and some spots were a little dicey on my loaded bike.
Road 3.jpg
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Line camp

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The park has an 1800's ruin of a cowboy line camp. I don't really understand this because I reckon a cow would have to graze at 25 MPH here. But here's the camp:
Line camp1.jpg
Line camp2.jpg
Line camp3.jpg
Line camp4.jpg
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A wall

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The line camp was about 100 ft from a strange wall. Some family lives right on the other side -- I could see bright colors and hear chickens.
The 30 ft tall pup runs for miles. A LOT of steel here.
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The desert

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Here are some miscellaneous photos of the desert taken early Monday morning on my way out of the park.
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Post by Nails »

I rode through Ajo, home of another huge copper mine. This was a "company" town that was carefully planned. It's a beautiful place.
I got to my wife's appt in Los Angeles a little before dark last night. I had to detour around a little festival (Coachella) that clogged up I-10 for hours. Deanna sent me a hundred miles through the countryside. It was scenic, but I could smell the barn and wasn't about to stop for photos.

Tomorrow we'll head up the coast to San Luis Obispo.
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by cranky »

Absolutely OUTSTANDING!!!! Thanks!!!!!!! You got a lot of guts!!!!
Let me guess how many folks you saw out in the middle of that!!!! GBG
It always hurts me to see burned country....

You really lost me when you went to gravel roads!!! You must'a had a few
"tight belly" moments!!!

Really lets you disconnect and enjoy God's country!!! Thanks again!!! ... onward...
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by cushman eagle »

Nails,Those are some great photos :thmup: :thanks:
Except for the off-roading you did, hitting a road like that would have my stomach all wound up in knots :help:
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Re: borderlands blast

Post by Bonnie and Clyde »

Good stuff!
wishing I was riding around the world
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Post by Nails »

No real news. I spent a couple days off the bike, mostly fighting with my old laptop and recovering from hours in the desert heat. Then on Wednesday rode out of LA (insanely fast in SoCal freeway traffic) and through some low mountains to San Luis Obispo. After a splendid lunch of Mexican filete de pescado, I took a twisty road through Ojai, which was fun but with some traffic.
The Ojai Valley is lush, here dressed in a marine layer of fog. This was my first whiff of salt air.
And then up a foggy coast -- where I didn't see anything I wanted to photograph and was getting cold again. A couple more days off the bike, including today's drive with Deanna to some wineries and restaurants north of Santa Barbara. We're cat-sitting in SLO for a week.

(My bikest news flash: I changed the bike's oil this morning. Whoopee.)
Probably will come true: Seeing some friends this weekend, then planning to ride again next week. First some coastal adventures, and I should be in the Sierras by this coming weekend.
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