Got a tech tip for Voyager 12's from your personal experiences, or one complete with pictures and instructions, here's where to post it. You can also ask about tips or procedures here.
Joe, I did my wiring the same way. Making a jumper. When I said 'splice', I used that term as a general statement because most people would know what it ment. A switced interuption in a circuit. Anyway, the point got across. The rubber switch cover you can usually get at your local hardware store or an electronic supply house. The nut that holds it in place is actually part of the rubber sleeve cover. You use it instead of the little silver nut that comes with the switch. Or, you can just get a water proof switch. I think some of them come with a RED switch handle. OR you can get one of those cool ones that have the RED safety covers you need to left to turn on the switch. HAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa
Well, I started to respond that "Search is your friend", but I can't find it either. I saw a lot of posts about this when I did this mod. But I tried several searches now and couldn't find them.
After consulting the electrical whiz bang circuit app, one needs to interrupt the Black/White wire before where it connects to the starter relay with a single pole single throw switch.
That way when the switch is an open circuit, (OFF), the starter will not engage when one depresses the start button. However all else including the fuel pump will operate and when the fuel pump has done it's job and filled the float bowls, indicated by decreasing clicks and then no clicks, turn the switch to the closed circuit position, (ON), and the starter will engage when the start button is again depressed and the engine will crank over and start.
This installation will work on the Black/Yellow wire before where it connects to the starter relay as well. Your choice.
Happy priming.