1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

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1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by TJSki1985 »

I am having a weird problem that I am assuming is electrical.
I hope that someone has seen something close that can point me in the right direction.

I was riding my Voyager and in gear the RPM on the tachometer went to 0, engine backfired, and when I pull the clutch lever or in neutral, it revs normally. Then when I went to pull off in gear. No throttle response. RPM back to 0.
Shut the bike off and waited a few minutes. Fired up and drove around the block 5 or 6 times no problems.
Tried to ride it the next day and it would go to 0 RPM and stall in gear but throttle works fine in neutral or when clutch is not engaged.
I searched this site and found a few known electrical issues. My bike has the newer igniter. I found a damaged ignition wire in the tree that would make my radio flicker when I turned the wheel. I fixed that. Still baffled at what to look at next for the throttle problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: 1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by triton28 »

possible side stand switch problem. When the side stand is in the stowed position, not being used, the circuit is a closed circuit.
The SS switch can be bypassed for testing purposes by connecting the 2 spade terminals together which mount onto the switch body. DO NOT let the bare terminals contact any metal part of the bike's chassis or engine casings during the test outing of the terminals.
just a quick thought.
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Re: 1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by TJSki1985 »

Thanks, I will try to bypass the switch and see if that helps.

Edit: I just drove around 10 miles with no issues. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the help!
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Re: 1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by triton28 »

If that doesn't work then I would look at the lockout switch mounted to the clutch lever perch, but my money is on the side stand switch.
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Re: 1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by cushman eagle »

The ignition switch wiring harness is also a problem if they are tied to the steering head :hmm:
When I bought my '99 in 2009 with 22,000 miles on it the harness had also been patched together twice. One time I was at a tractor parts dealer,and turned the handle bar to the right to park the bike,and it shut off. :oh:
When I got home,I removed the harness,rewired it,not tying it to the steering head,and it has cased no trouble since over 92,000 more miles :thmup:
You can research the issue on this forum
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Re: 1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by TJSki1985 »

Thank you for the reply. I did have to fix one wire on the ignition switch circuit. It was causing my radio to flicker when I turn the wheel back and forth. Radio doesn’t work anyway but figured it was not good for the electrical system.
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Re: 1989 Voyager XII throttle problem

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Plus 1 on the side stand switch. Mine drove me nearly crazy as it was so random. The bike would start and idle perfect but not go when the clutch was released, then driving along the interstate it started to just cut out on me. Luckily, I was able to stumble home and bypassing that switch fixed it (several years ago). I thought about swopping the trunk light switch (same switch) but just left it as is.
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