Headlight Problem

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Headlight Problem

Post by BobKupsch »

Hi, I meet a fellow XII rider in my area who rides a 91 1200. He plans to join the AVA. He has a problem with the headlight on his bike and ask me if I knew how to fix it. I said lets ask the experts. He said his headlight kinda fell. Low beam shines on the front fender and high beam is only about 20ft. out. Whats the problem? And how do we fix it? Bob,
Bob Kupsch
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Scott-(Altoona, PA)
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Re: Headlight Problem

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

have him check the adjustment knob, someone could have turned it to the point that it is completely out of whack or it may have become disconnected/broken internally. Just an assumption on my part, others with more experience may be better suited to give additional thoughts and ideas!
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