O ring on fuel / air screw

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O ring on fuel / air screw

Post by truckerchaz »

Is there supposed to b an o ring on the fuel /air screw on 1986 voyager. There aren't any on mine . Would this cause my rich fuel condition . I know various things will but these o rings r def missing
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Re: O ring on fuel / air screw

Post by triton28 »

sometimes the o-rings get squashed against the carburetor body by the flat washer, said flat washer being pushed up into the o-ring by the spring. When this happens the o-rings, and sometimes the washers as well, appear to be missing but in reality they are squashed tight against the carb body, and don't just fall out. I have looked into some carbs and thought the same thing but after using a long thin wire I have found them jammed in up tight and hidden by the washer which was stuck to the o-ring. Check the "Carburetor Parts" illustration of any of the online parts suppliers. These are tiny parts.
I'm not sure but I think they prevent an air leak along the screw threads which would lead to decreased vacuum of the idle function and if yours are in fact not there I would think that would cause a lean condition on the idle circuit. But that is just a guess on my part.
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Re: O ring on fuel / air screw

Post by truckerchaz »

Thank you Dave. I'll dbl chk . I've been chasing this prob for awhile , where idle is terrible and #2 is rich and other three cylinders are lean . I decided to chk the clear atmospheric pressure hoses tonight by using my own breath and slightly blowing into the tubes. Doing so the tube between 1and 2 made bike smooth out but the 1 between 3 and 4 exaggerated prob. . Also when I took fuel screw out of #2 carb the spring was stuck up inside. Now I have carbs on bench and will investigate further this weekend.
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