Center-Stand don't work none...

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Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

'S far as I can see my '00 Voyager Center-Stand is intact on the Bike as compared to Kaw OEM Schematics. However, when I pull her up and back she won't set. The Center-Stand almost feels like it is being stopped by something to keep it from deploying properly. Crawled under there again to find a shiny spot to see where it's hitting or being stopped... nada!
What gives; is there some big secret to properly deploying my Center-Stand? I mean I know how to work-a-bike but sure can't get this one to act right... 's always somethin'!!!
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by Nails »

The center stand is a two-step affair: put the feet down, and then jack up the bike. These are two different foot levers.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

Nails wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:58 am The center stand is a two-step affair: put the feet down, and then jack up the bike. These are two different foot levers.
Yeh, noticed that... One Lever sets the Bike up for Center-Stand Deployment, other Lever actually brings the Bike up on the Center-Stand to its' final rest. I can't get over a 'hump' if you will... it's like it hits a wall. So I deploy the little lever to a point, then place my foot on the big lever to finish the deployment... and I can't get past 'that' point.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by GrandpaDenny »

The little lever, the one that looks like a pipe, you put down all the way first. If your suspension is sagging you won't be able to get it down all the way, also if the bike isn't level side-to-side. Once you get the first stage down, just stand on the second stage (looks like a pedal) and up she'll go. If she's not level front to rear you might not be able to get her up, especially if she's facing downhill. If she's facing uphill you won't be able to get her off the center stand without the help of two strong men and a boy.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

GrandpaDenny wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:21 am "... two strong men and a boy"
Needed to get her in back of OEM Titan a coupla nights ago while at a CircleK and it was a 3-man job, which means I had it towed (yup, 2 bills man; PAINFUL!). I can almost ALWAYS get my Bikes (Stuff) home.
I might be sagging and sorta thoughtta that like once, when I changed from OEM Rear Shocks to after-market even though I didn't notice a drop and even measured before install... I was smart enough to save the OEMs as I understand they can be rebuilt though.
Anyway, knowing that if I "can't" get the small lever all the way down I must be sagging would severely limit my solutions to almost none.
Shame that'd be as a Center-Stand is one-a-the-most helpul to planet mankind items on anything ever.
I'll check 'specs' and measure sag, etc to see where my bike's at.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by triton28 »

For reference use as I suspect you already have figured this out ;

Perhaps the best video production quality out there on how to do it.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by Highway Rider »

In case it has not been mentioned make sure that the rear air shocks are aired up. That is if it has the air shocks on it. Also you can place a 3/4 " board under the rear tire to gain more height to make it easier to lift
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

triton28 wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:51 am For reference use as I suspect you already have figured this out ;
Perhaps the best video production quality out there on how to do it.
HELPFUL... and I think (from memory) that the 1st Stage won't go all the way down. This is likely explained by after-market rear shocks (no air in rears now) dropping the Bike 'too low'. That said, if I can't get the 1st Stage to go all the way down then I'll know wassup. And that's a great idea to lift the rear wheel off the ground a bit to see if indeed I can get the 1st Stage KickStand off the ground in order to get the Bike up on the Center-Stand proper.

SO THANKS FOR THE Right-And-Specific HELP, Triton28 as my problem is now correctly identified (as I now know what the 1st Stage Center-Stand deployment is supposed to look like)!!!

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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by Highway Rider »

Oh and make sure you are in neutral. If that has not been said
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

The Bike is 'too low' to be able to utilize the Center-Stand... DANG!
I am going to try one suggestion of backing her rear tire up onto a small block of wood to get it a bit more off the ground to THEN maybe (SHOULD) be able to engage the Center-Stand???
I might also adjust ride height on Rear Shocks (Pre-Load) to see if that lifts her maybe .125" to see if I can get a clean Center-Stand deployment. If I can't, I'll just carry that small schtick in a Bag for when I do want/need it.

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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by GrandpaDenny »

If stock shocks, add air. If Progressives, click the preload up a notch or two. If I have mine set on 3 the first stage won't go all the way down. On 4 it's just about right. On 5 the first stage is well above ground LOL.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Oh and if the bike isn't level side-to-side you won't be able to get the first stage down.
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

GrandPaDenny, my Voyager looks just like yorn!

So last follow up on a simple Thread though it was a PITA for me for a coupla years where I never got around to asking why I couldn't get her up on the Center Stand... stupid waste-a-time and wish I'd asked ya'll here earlier!!!

So, backed her up onto a 2X4 to get rear wheel higher which!!!
Allowed me to deploy Stage 1 of the Center-Stand... AND!!!
STAGE 2!!!
So I'll carry a bit shorter stick for those travels where I just want/need/must have the center stand deployed.

All this time I was afraid to 'force' anything for hear of shearing/breaking something. Even had a neighbor help me steady the scooter so we could BOTH giver a good yank trying to get her up onto the Center Stand... NOPE! Spent hours/days underneath her just looooookin', seein' if all the OEM parts were present and properly attached just wonderinnnnnnn'...

{{{ sigh }}}

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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Man that is a purty bike!
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Re: Center-Stand don't work none...

Post by Stew »

They can be a little finicky and are very sensitive to height on deployment. Lol, I actually pulled my calf muscle the second time I put mine up on the stand, ouch! (Stock shocks, aired up) I think my bike is a little low as well.
Funny too, I had an old 1200 Wing that I could pop up like nothing, even if I was just puttering around the garage in crocs... Almost never used the side stand on that bike!
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