'86 beast kickstand

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'86 beast kickstand

Post by recycler »

Who designed this thang? It's a tad long. I looked through the old forums, but didn't see any recommendations on shortening the kickstand. I wonder if anyone has used a shorter stand from another bike? I'm a little reluctant to cut and weld it, or heat it up with a torch for bending. Any suggestions?

BTW: You guys were a huge help with my radio dilemma, have decided to let it sit until grrener grass grows on the ground. Thx to all, and happy riding!
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by Me Again »

Both heating and bending and taking a half inch or so out of the middle are both options.Looked it up on the homepage,tech center,1300,-says to remove 3/4 inch from middle.
I just keep the shocks up high to were the stand isn't a problem.
Have you figured out the 2 stage centerstand yet. Thats really nice once you get the hang of it.
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by recycler »

Yes, I have used the center stand a few times, just don't care for it. As for airing the shocks up high, I am of the short statured and thickly built variety. Went up a bit on the air, but I started to run out of leg kinda fast. I'll look into getting a shop to mod the stand for me. Thx for the reply.
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by 38 special »

Well since recycler brought it up, is there a secret to getting this 1050# beast onto the center kick stand by yourself. I've never had a bike that I couldn't get up on the stand?
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by sir old dirt »

Ah yes. The center stand of the 1300. No secret but it may take a moment to consider. Since the machine does weigh so much each of us figures we do not want to make a mistake that will send it over to the right side and down to the floor. Consider putting it in nutural so you don't think of having to force anything. After a couple tries you will know it really isn't necessary.
The stand is a double action. That's the reason for two foot peddles. The one sticking out the furthurest is to be engaged first. Hold the left hand grip and the left hand passanger's grip. Lift withe the passanger grip while pressing the larger peddle. The stand will contact the floor. Now put your foot on the smaller peddle, press it to the floor and lift with the passanger grip. The 1300 will rise to the center stand like majic. It really does not take a lot of effort when you do it step one than step two.
If you are in doubt have a friend be ready on the right side to give you confidence.
Let us know how you do.
Sir Old Dirt
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by Me Again »

I usually tell people on the first try put enough air in the rear shocks so the feet barely touch the floor.
then go thru the rest of the process. Once you do it a couple times you will not need to raise it up first.
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by Mr Jensee »

Something you might consider, which is something I did when I first got my 1200 Voyager, BTW first bike in many years with an actual center stand. I parked the bike facing out of the garage with the right side next to a wall, left the side stand out and practiced with the center stand. By only being a couple inches from the wall, if I lost the bike it would not be able to topple over and if it came in my direction the side stand would catch it. The 1200 doesn't weigh as much as the 1300 but the heaviest bike I've had to deal with up till now was only 550 lbs.
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by 38 special »

Ah... cool. I'm not use to that. I didn't realize that there were 2 foot pedals. It's one of those, you learn something new every day, days. :thk:
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by 38 special »

Sir Old Dirt. (Hmmm... that sounds a bit disrespectful but, oh well) I finally got out to work on the old beast this weekend and did in fact find the double kick stand and pursued as you instructed. What a breeze that was. Even without lifting the back end with the air shocks. I brought her right up into the upright position. No problem. :thmup:
My oldest son and I proceeded to tear her apart to get ready for some paint. I'd post a pic of it on the process but I seem to have too much trouble figuring it out. I've also been Armour Alling the dash etc. and getting rid of some rust and getting a nice spit shine on the chrome. I'm fixing some bent metal and trim. The seat is also getting a new cover cause the present cover had last past it's useful life cycle and looks like a poor derilect left for dead. In about 3 weeks or less the new paint will be on and she should look nearly new again.
Unfortunately the next couple of days it's suppose to snow again so I won't get a thing done then. :cry2:
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

38 special wrote:I'd post a pic of it on the process but I seem to have too much trouble figuring it out.
The instructions on how to post pics is at the top of this and most other forums. Have you looked at those instructions?
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by 38 special »

Yeah, Gary I've read them and tried it and read them and tried it. I guess you have to be smarter than the instructions and I haven't made it that far yet apparently. :oops:
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

If you use tinypic when trying to post a picture, you would select the message board reduction (if larger than 640 x 640 pixels) and they display code for several uses. You would select the message board code and copy that into your forum post here. It will already have the "[img]" and "[/img]" code tags included, so do not re-insert this code by clicking on the IMG button as described in the instructions on this site as you will then have two sets of the "img" tags and it will not display. I will update my instructions concerning this shortly as this was not the case when I originally was on the tinypic site and wrote my instructions (they updated their procedure).
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
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Re: '86 beast kickstand

Post by 38 special »

Cool, Gary. I DID IT! I started a new thread cause I'm sorta high jacking recycler's thread here. Sorry recycler. Check it out in the my beast thread. :thmup:
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