Voyager versus Gold Wing (Poll Expired)

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Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider

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Do you consider the Voyager the "poor man's Gold Wing"?

Poll ended at Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:03 am

No, it has it's own advantages
Total votes: 38

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Rhinestone Kawboy
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Voyager versus Gold Wing (Poll Expired)

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

Here is a poll submitted by one of our registered members. It will last 15 days.
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
Iron Butt Member #47339
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Re: Voyager versus Gold Wing

Post by Okie34 »

Hmmmm.... Good question. Though it's often described as such, or in my case "Kawasaki's answer to the GW", both have their advantages and faults.

Right now, the GW is in a class all by itself. Excellent bike, but very expensive. I believe BMW may have a contender, but not having a BMW dealership close by and certainly not deep enough pockets I can't say for sure. The redesigned Voyager 1700? I don't really think it's an answer to the GW. It looks like an appeal to a different crowd. Essentially the cruiser folks.

The XII and 1300's on the other hand I believe really were a neck and neck run against the GW. It was a different time than what we see now and Kaw had a good bike, and a good price point. There was enough competition that Honda built a factory here in the States to build GW's

So, back to the question.. Was the XII or 1300 a "Poor Man's GW"? IMHO, not really. Different engine styles, differences in weight, amenities, etc. made them unique. If the XII were built today on the same standards as the GW (Keeping up with technology and engine size/power increases) it would be a hard call. I really like the new Concourse as opposed to a GW. Though I do like the better towing capability of the GW. Again, this only my opinion.

-- JD
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