Trunk running lights <-fixed , but new problems created

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Trunk running lights <-fixed , but new problems created

Post by Winddancer »

Hi all..
I am having problems with the trunk running lights on my 02 xii
it seems that when I have the handle bar turned all the way to the left, the running lights on the trunk work, turn it to center or far right, they are off.. I know it sounds like a bad wire, and I have been wiggling wires for a few hours..has this happend to anybody else???
I have looked at the wiring diagram from the PC version of the manual, and it is not that clear, and I have no clue which group of wires I should be concentraiting on.. any one have a clue??
I was suppose to take it to be inspected today.. but this has put a stop to that..
Thank you....
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Re: Trunk running lights

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

I had an issue with turning the bars to the left and the entire power would be lost, straighten them out and it was back. Turned out to be caused by the Infamous Wire Tie/tie wrap that holds quite a few wires to the main frame (leaving the ignition running along the left side of frame under faux tank). Cut the plastic strap and one at a time with both hands if possible wiggle each wire, I'd bet you'll find it right quick!
Good Luck and let us know!
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Re: Trunk running lights

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

That's one of the drawbacks in the pdf version of the manual that's floating around and why I still prefer, and advise people to buy the paper version. If you get one of the older versions of the main manual (you'll need both the main and the supplement...) it even has color coded diagrams.

Check either the brown wire running into the ignition switch, or the red wire coming out of the ignition switch. Most likely one of those is broken where the wire tie used to be on the bike. The brown wire comes off the fuse block and (among other things) feeds into the ignition switch and only feeds the red wire inside the switch. The red wire coming out of the switch only feeds the running lights.

I'm not a bike fan of probing the wires, but that's about the easiest way to check them. Open up the ignition switch harness as far forward as possible. Probe the brown wire while checking the handlebar swing and see if you have power. If you do, then probe the red wire in the same spot and re-check. Or, once you know for sure it's the ignition switch wiring, which it almost has to be, you might as well take it out and check the wiring with an ohm meter. You'll probably need it out anyway to have enough room to repair it, or repair it correctly. You can plug the hole left from the probing with a little dab of silicone sealant or RTV.

I had the same problem with one of the white wires. By moving the handlebars just right, the whole bike would shut down and back on in an instant. Fortunately it never left me stranded or died while running down the interstate. Tracked it down to one of the wires in the ignition switch harness. You can see in this video just how close to the switch the break was.
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Re: Trunk running lights

Post by Winddancer »

Well I did find it, it was the brown wire, nice clean break about 3 inches from the bottom of the ignition switch..and I found another broken wire right next to it..I am not sure the color(iam at work) but think it may be a tanish with orangish stripe..but I am not sure what that is...but I will repair it...
I did manage to strip the ends if the wire's and soldier a new wire on it, without having to take it fully apart,and have sealed it with a shrink tube, and will rub on some silicon for safe measure untill I have the time to take this puppy apart and run a new wire between the two connectors,because if they were 2, there are bound to be more...
Thank you for your help...
I will let you know what the 2nd wire was(hopefully)..

have a great day...
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Re: Trunk running lights

Post by Winddancer »

OK I went from fixing one thing, to messing up another...
the other wire was the orange/green which does the turn signal..I fixed that..
now I have a back light on trunk, but the brake lights are screwy..Fr foot brake makes the brake light, light up, but does not go off on release of brake, the hand break shuts it off to normal running lights... checked fuses, found the 30 and 10(turn sig) jumpered ,removed it, turn sig don't work, jumper it, they work again,,, but brake light is not affected...hmmmmm break lights did work normal before all this...
anybody have a clue??? because I sure don't.. hahahaha

Thank you...
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