Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

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Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

Getting it ready for the winter riding season.


Lubing the steering head and swingarm bearings.
Wrapping the exhaust pipes since I will have to remove them to service the swingarm bearing.
Sent the forks to Traxxion Dynamics for Gold Valve Emulators, new springs and complete rebuild/service.
changing the coolant with Engine Ice
Changing the Brake and Clutch Fluids
Changing Spark Plugs
Cleaning and polishing all parts removed. Even the part of the part that doesn't see daylight.
Routing all accessory wires which were added without taking bike apart so they look like factory.
When I am assembling I will look for any part that doesn't fit tightly and add some type of material to keep potential rattling from happening.

Hope to have this all done by Thanksgiving. Will probably need to take some vacation time to get this done.
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Re: Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

Post by Mr Jensee »

You are indeed fortunate to have a place you can perform all that maintenance. :thmup:
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Re: Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

Post by 1700Guy »

Good picture. After 50.000 miles I also will do a complete survice this winter and install new inner fairing that was damaged just befor the Rally in Kanab. I had time to fix every thing else $5000 worth of damage Bike was knocked over by an elderly lady in a parking lot as she hit it while she was backing out. and after she hit it she took off. but I was lucky a couple of people saw it happen. so they could tell me what had happened but wre to far away to get her number.

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Re: Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

Post by hank43 »

5G worth of damage? in a hit and run? Did your insurance cover everything?

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David (N. Alabama)
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Re: Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

Well, got all the maintenance done. It was a lot of work cleaning every part inside and out. Good for another 2 years. with the exception of oil and tires.



I will put the trunk back on when I change the rear tire again.
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Re: Doing a little fall maintenance on the Voyager

Post by x-storm »

looks like you had her pretty well torn down,i see you've taken the trunk off, and using a back rest i was wondering how tough it would be to do the same ,i had seen a Vaquero with a quick release backrest/lugage rackand was woundering if you had looked into mounting the trunk to a flat rack on quick release to make it easier to swap from backreat to trunk or even openback ? 2nd.. what are the guys running for Hwy pegs I'm having tough time finding somthing to work with a 31" inseem my foots about 6" away from the crash bar
3rd do you know if anyone make a forwaed contol kit for the 1700 I(I'm having a tough time adapting to the bourds after the yoy-12 and VTX 18F)
I've just picked up this 09-Voyager w/5100 miles so any and all help can be used ,Thanks Dan :-D
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