Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

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Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Papa Joe »

Greetings to all. I currently own an '85 Honda Goldwing Aspencade that just clicked 132,000 miles today. She may not be the youngest or prettiest girl at the ball, but she's got a lot of dances left in her. The problem is, she's getting to be too heavy for me to handle in traffic. So i was thinking about getting a sidecar (so I can maintain balance AND give my grandkids rides!), and during my search I found an '84 Voyager with a California sidecar on it for $3500. It only has 16,000 miles on it which has me a little concerned as to what might have to be done to the engine since it really hasn't been run as it should have been during the past 24 years. Are there any known problems with this model? I couldn't find any recall notices for it so that's a plus. It looks good in the pics, but I haven't seen it in person yet. It's 150 miles from my house so I'm trying to do my homework on it before committing a trip to go see it. If I get good reports from this forum and from the current owner, then I'll probably sell my Wing for $2K (it needs tires, timing belts, and the forks rebuilt) and purchase the Voyager (I think i already have a buyer for the Wing!). If anyone has any advice on the Voyager, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Mr. Green Genes »

I saw that Voyager in my daily market search. 16,000 miles on it? It should have another 60,000 maintenance free miles in it. 24 years old? It may not last another 6 weeks. It is always a gamble.

I would 1st look for any signs of rust in the gas tank. Then I would look for rust on the frame. If I remember correctly, that bike might have been exposed to salt air. I think rust would be a deal breaker.

If I bought it, I would change all the fluids, all the filters and clean and dielectric grease all the electrical contacts & connections. Then I'd charge my cell phone, pack a tool box and go for a long ride. (if the tires are good)
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Bruce in OK »

This was posted when someone was looking to buy an '86 model.

Pull the fake tank off and check the part # on the igniter if it ends with 1179 it still has the old and BAD igniter in it, and will break the starter chain, a $1500.00+ fix. Don't ask how I know...If it has the old igniter in it DON'T ride it DON"T even put the key into it....But on the other hand if the part # on the igniter ends with 1248 you r good to go.

You might check or post over in the "tech tips or special info and idiosynchrasies" forums for assistance from those a bit more knowledgable.
Bruce in OK
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Mr. Green Genes »

I believe the starter chain issue was unique to the '86 & '87 XII's. That '84 is a fuel injected 6 cylinder.
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

I believe parts are getting hard to find, and extremely expensive when you do find them. Are brake rotors even available? They are an aquired taste, but do have a loyal, obsessive, cult-like following. I'm not one to usually turn down a challenge, but that's a tree I don't know if I'm ready to climb.
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Doug in South Dakota »

Great bike but you can't even buy cables for it....And if you don't want to or can't work on it yourself good luck finding a dealer that will....I put 136k on a 1300 in 4 seasons....And thanks to a K&N air filter the head is now junk....I got a diff head and was going to put it back togather but then started thinking....Mmmmmm can't even get parts and when you do find em there BIG bucks....I bought a 1200 Voyager and havent looked back... on the other hand if you do buy it I have a 1300 Voyager I'm parting out. Also if you say your Wing is heavy dont take that sidecar off...
Just tryin to be honest with you.....I would'nt buy it just because of the parts deal.
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Me Again »

I think you'll find the 84 about a hundred pounds heavier than the wing but if your experienced with a sidecar that shouldn't be a problem.Parts are not that difficult to find because there is a pretty good network for 1300 owners.
A good source for mechanical and other info is
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by EVAHank »

Yep, and some of us are even AVA Members!! :lol: I've put over 40k miles on 'Rusty' my Voyager 1300, and intend to put many more on her! The comment about weight is true, the 1300 tips the scale at a tad over 900lbs. with a full tank of gas.
While parts are getting hard to find, they are not impossible, and
if you follow thazt link that that gentleman posted over to the 1300 forum, you can find anything you need. While rust can be a problem, it doesn't have to be a deal breaker, if you realize it's going to take some major elbow grease to get rid of it (especially in the tank!) If you prefer riding to wrenching, I'd consider looking at a Voyager 12. Have you considered triking your 'wing? That might be an option to consider. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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Hank, Rusty & Ol'Faithful

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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Papa Joe »

Thanks for all the replies. The Voyager is still for sale and I'm still considering it. Now I have question concerning the foot controls. I just took an '88 Venture Royale out for a road test and it was a great ride but the disqualifying factor on that one is the foot controls. My legs were even more cramped on the Venture than they are on the Wing. I stand 6'3" (I think my legs are the 6' part!) and I could not hit the rear brake without a lot of effort of lifting and moving my leg forward to the brake pedal. The gear shift wasn't too bad, but I could probably get used to that. Does anyone know if the controls on the Voyager are comparable to a Goldwing? I don't know anyone in my area that has a Voyager for me to look at and I would hate to make a 400 mile round trip just to find out that the Voyager is just as uncomfortable to me as the Venture. It's difficult to find a bike that will comfortably fit my legs except for the Harley wannabe's. Most of those have the forward controls and I may wind up getting one of those. Any thoughts?
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Gator Mike »

With a 30" inseam I don't have any problems with controls, however, there has been discussion on the board about that very subject. Some folks with longer legs have complained about the location of shift and brakes. Hopefully some one who has the problem will chime in. As far as the venture goes it's a good looking bike but I'm told it can be very "top heavy" at low speeds. Best of luck on your choice...............Gator Mike
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by Me Again »

I'm 6'2" and have never felt cramped on my 1300.
Because of that cult like following parts are not to difficult to find and reasonably priced.Advice is free when you use the Yahoo forum.
Happt riding.Have youever riden a side car before? I understand it's a lot different.
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Re: Thinking about purchasing an '84 Voyager

Post by floydlmast »

I'm 6-1 with a inseam of 32 and I never felt cramped with a 1300. I get a 1200 and I cramped with a 1200.
I went with a 2 generation yamaha ventuer and I'm not cramped with the ventuer.
The voyager 1300 was a great touring bike. The problem was you had to watch it didn't over heat.
have a good ride.
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