Won't be able to make the rally

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Won't be able to make the rally

Post by gearheadfla »

For those of you that don't know, I had another little episode with my heart last Monday, went into A-Fib again with a rate of almost 200 bpm, spent a couple days in the hospital, it's under control now with some new meds but due to some upcoming Dr appts I will have to set out our road trip, we was looking forward to meeting all of you but I guess getting the ole heart ticking like a fine tuned watch comes first. The good news is I feel GREAT now, better than I have in a while, just don't want to push it to hard to fast. See ya next year.
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Jim you are correct, making sure you are healthy is far more important than endangering you or your wife while trying to make it to the Rally. Everyone will catch up with you farther down the road.
Till then take care! :thmup:
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by Gator Mike »

Been there, done that--it ain't fun. Glad to hear all is going well now. Had my last attack 5 years ago and meds have got it under control. Hope your's will do as well....best of luck..........Gator Mike
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by gearheadfla »

Gator Mike wrote:Been there, done that--it ain't fun. Glad to hear all is going well now. Had my last attach 5 years ago and meds have got it under control. Hope your's will do as well....best of luck..........Gator Mike
Your right, it ain't fun, what really got my attention this time was the E.R. Doc saying we may have to shock him, I don't think I would have liked that one much, they even went as far as to hook me up to the machine with some big stick on pads, you can see see where they was, right where all the hair on my chest is now missing. :dm: :gig: when they s l o w e y pulled them back off the next day, I finally had to bat the nurse's hand away and just rip them off myself. :cry2:
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by cushman eagle »

Glad to hear you are all right again :thmup: .I am sorry to hear we will miss you at the rally :cry2: ,but being healthy is certainly more important.You helped me out last year by sending me your fairing lowers when I lost one of mine ,and I wanted to meet and thank you in person.
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by biggersm »

Hi Jim

Marcia and I are going to miss you too. Would riding the Auto Train both directions with quick 8 hour bike hikes across the Appalachians be too much? (just typing that gets me excited) ;-) I guess it is the doctors appointments that are getting in the way and as I type this I have a doctors appointment that I'm waiting for almost a month to get.

I know what it is like either missing an AVA Rally or not having a motorcycle at your disposal due to health issues. My body decided to grow a golf ball sized stone in a gallbladder a week prior to the the Santa Fe Rally in 2009 so we enjoyed our rental car in the Land of Enchantment.

We still plan to take the Auto Train North and have a great ride back to the Sunshine State (ironically through Bowling Green where the 2008 Rally was and where we have some family and friends) and we will be thinking of you and miss the two of you.

Rest and recover and we hope you have your energy back by August for the Ring Around Orlando ride. :thmup:
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by gearheadfla »

Even though I can't make the trip to Ohio due to Doctor's orders this year, he said it is OK to take a shorter trip so Lori and I are going to ride up to Daytona for a couple days, maybe try to get hold of Carl and buy him lunch, head over to JP Cycles and grab some shineys for the Nomad and just relax after the NASCAR crowd is gone. Will be up there for my Birthday on the 9th. No it's not the Dragon and Blue Ridge but still a little getaway. Plan to head to TN. early fall to see my Family. Thanks to the ROK for the discounts on the Hotel rooms, that in itself just repaid me for the cost of joining. :thmup:
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Re: Won't be able to make the rally

Post by usmalenurse »

gearheadfla wrote:
Gator Mike wrote:Been there, done that--it ain't fun. Glad to hear all is going well now. Had my last attach 5 years ago and meds have got it under control. Hope your's will do as well....best of luck..........Gator Mike
Your right, it ain't fun, what really got my attention this time was the E.R. Doc saying we may have to shock him, I don't think I would have liked that one much, they even went as far as to hook me up to the machine with some big stick on pads, you can see see where they was, right where all the hair on my chest is now missing. :dm: :gig: when they s l o w e y pulled them back off the next day, I finally had to bat the nurse's hand away and just rip them off myself. :cry2:

Yep...those big ole pads will take a big chunk of hair off. Sorry to hear about your incident but glad you're feeling better now. We had one in the ED the other night similar to your case and we did have to shock him once to get the rate down. He said it felt "like a mule kicked me in the chest" but it worked. Glad you didn't have to go that route... :clap:
Charles Hairr
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