Removed KAMS

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Removed KAMS

Post by HMB Don »

I had to remove the KAMS to remove the swing arm when I replaced a broken drive belt. After I finished the drive belt assembley, the engine look so clean I left the KAMS in a box to try living with out it. I took a 3,000 ride and it was ok, because the temp was cool. Then the club had a ride and the temp was up to 107 in Sacramento, very hot. Then just riding around in the metro area in the heat, and the engine heat was very uncomfortable.

So this week the KAMS is going back on, because it really works, even when rolling down the road at 70 mph you can feel the difference. Getting ready for Logan.

Don Medina
NorCal Voyagers Club
AVA Boardmember
2012 Voyager 1700
Don Medina
NorCal Voyagers Club

2012 Voyager 1700
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