Stepping down as VP of the Sunshine State Voyagers.

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Grand Tourer
Grand Tourer
Posts: 563
Joined: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:29 pm
Current bike(s): 1988 Voyager XII
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2007 Vulcan Nomad
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Location: Port Saint Lucie, Florida
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Stepping down as VP of the Sunshine State Voyagers.

Post by gearheadfla »

I am announcing today that I will be stepping down as the V.P. of the Sunshine State Voyagers, I have sent a E-Mail out to all the members, with my new work hours I will be working every Saturday except the 3rd Saturday of the month, that's the day Lori and I do or fund raising cookout for the Veteran's Nation to help Vet's in need, something we are very passionate about, leaving me with only Sundays to do all of life's other choirs. I am also on the board of the Victory-St. Lucie County Toy Run again this year, even though it don't take place until Dec. 1st this year, we are already busy with planning, permits and all the other details that it takes to get 1000 motorcycles 40 miles thru town safely, as you can see that is a full plate, I feel the I can't give the SSV the attention it needs to be the VP, I wish who ever steps up to take over the planing and rides all the best and will support it all I can on the Sunday events. I have met a lot of friends and had some good rides with them. Until then, ride safe and ride often.
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
89 XII-parts bike-scraped
01 XII-sold
07 Vulcan Nomad
Patriot Guard Rider, Florida.
Sunshine State Voyagers
Veterans Nation Riding Association
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