Kuryakyn Alley Cat Air Cleaner- Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan/ Voya

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Kuryakyn Alley Cat Air Cleaner- Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan/ Voya

Post by gsinclair »

I am looking to others pros and cons that have installed the Kuryakyn Alley Cat Air Cleaner- Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan/ Voyager. What is used for the back plate where the old cleaner was? I just installed the vance and hines Pro pipe. I already have installed the cobra F2000 air/fuel processor. I am running the K&N air filter right know but am thinking the engine might need more air. If I do this where can I find left side air cover plate for 2011 Kawasaki voyager . Thanks gene
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Re: Kuryakyn Alley Cat Air Cleaner- Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan/

Post by Terros »

Looking at the kuryakyn site, it says it comes with backing plate, but if I am reading it right each side costs about $325, seems like a lot of money for probably no real world difference. Maybe try running just the kn filters in stock. I did like the look of the alley cat though.
Bob :hmm:
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Re: Kuryakyn Alley Cat Air Cleaner- Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan/

Post by gsinclair »

I believe the backing plate there talking about is for the right side so the air cleaner can be installed. I was a little confused my self. You would think for that kind of money all parts would be included to complete both sides. :thewave:
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Re: Kuryakyn Alley Cat Air Cleaner- Kawasaki VN1700 Vulcan/

Post by Terros »

I'm wondering since they dont say left or right side it probably is the same for both?
Bob :thk:
Live dying or Die living
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