Newbie here, but not to the 1300

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Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

Newbie here. Just picked up my second 1300 ('85) last week. Had my first one ('83) 30 years ago but it was wiped out by a small pickup that t-boned me. The value of the crash bars and all the bodywork proved themselves as I didn't get a scratch on me, but it totalled all of my plastic and the pickup. Sold that bike to another guy who had good bodywork, but a blown engine.
That first 1300 was equipped for a sidecar and I built a trailer hitch for it. Did most of it's miles with the sidecar and touring with the trailer. Had a bit over 200K miles when I sold it in '89. Never have wanted anything else in these last 25 years.
I still have both helmets that Kawasaki offered for that bike, complete with speakers/mics.
1300's are great sidecar bikes! Tapped the water system for a heater in the sidecar and carried 12 gallons of fuel with a transfer pump. I guess that since I am a newbie I can't post pics of it.
I never had the internet when I had the first 1300, so glad to be here amongst others who ride these great bikes. Any others here who pull a sidecar with a 1300?
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by Lucasind »

We love to look at pictures ! I know of no restrictions to you for posting pics,,,,,,,so,post away. Debron might chime in here.
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

At the bottom right it says I can do everything but include attachments. Also, I see no "buttons" to add pics. Can pics be added dirrectly from my laptop?
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by Lucasind »

i post pics directly from my laptop, must have them on like a photo bucket first. there are some instructions on this page under announcements, how to post a picture.
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by debron »


Instructions for posting photos can be found here: ... f=2&t=7656

Photos are not posted as attachments but are posted directly into your post from the edit box.
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

I have thousands of my pics on Flickr, but it's been awhile since I have had to share them. Seems they have changed everything over there and I can no longer select which size I want to share, so I will need to deal with them to figure this one out. I tried to post them here, but it says it can't figure out what size they are.

Ah, ha! Figured out an indirect way to post them! Just post them to FaceBook, then grab their URL for them. FB resizes them automatically.

My old '83 (the BIKE, not the girl!)

My "new" '85 (dealer fuzzy pics!)
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by debron »

Part of the problem is that Flickr likes to do things differently! What you are linking to is a photo stream. I went to the old Flickr help pages ( and it says the code you need is on the "Share" page, wherever that is. Since these are your photos and not mine I can't access the Share page for your account. Beyond that, it looks like Flickr is a bit complicated (and somewhat self-righteous.) Good luck.
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by Lucasind »

....Hey Bruce ,You may have posted it ,but I did'nt see a odometer reading on the new(to you) voyager, WE have the same bike, but mine looks a little different........
my 30 year old 1300 is still at very LOW mileage at 20k.

I like that picture of your old bike with the sidecar AND trailer ! :clap: .....tony :-D
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

45,173 when I picked it up.

What looks different? Mine had a bunch of cheapo reflectors stuck all over the saddlebags and trunk., plus running boards for the rider. In the pics it also has a maroon-colored seat back for the passenger, but that is now a stock backrest. Mine also had a broken right mirror, but that has been replaced, too. Post some pics of yours and I can tell you what's not stock.

For the last few days I have been replacing some of those damaged pieces. Today I tore my gas cap apart because it wouldn't latch solidly. The little latching tang had frozen solid in a partially open position, letting the cap flip open easily. lots of white powdery stuff binding everything. Scrubbed everything and used lots of silicone lube to get it working perfectly. Looks brand new now!

Still having trouble getting my clutch cable to work smoothly. All gummed up! When I pull it in, it takes a few seconds to return! Not good for driving! After looking for three days I finally found my old hydraulic cable oiler. So, tomorrow I will force some motor oil into the cable. I couldn't get enough 3-in-1 into it to make a difference today.

Saturday was spent removing a bunch of rust or broken accessories. It had Kuryaken road pegs, but one was broken off, and both had severely crushed the crash bars, so I found a really nice pair on eBay.

One last really big problem I have is removing the battery! Somebody managed to slip(?) a battery in place that's about an inch wider than stock, and it won't just slide out! Gotta remove most of the stuff around it to get enough room to wiggle it past the frame tube.

Once I get the clutch working right I will be removing the wheels to put new bearings in. Have you, or anybody else, ever used ceramic hybrid bearings in these bikes? Most of my recumbent trikes are fully equipped with ceramics, and they really make a big difference in a human-powered machine, but not sure if they would be worth much in a 130hp monster.

Would like suggestions on tires, oil, source for clutch and throttle cables, brake pads.
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by Lucasind »

.......what looks different ? everything :laughing:




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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

Please excuse all the drool I left on the street fighter ZN1300. Like you said, EVERYTHING! I never would have thought that a ZN would look good as a street fighter, but that was done right!

Is that the one you are talking about changing the gearing on?
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

Two personal-preference suggestions.

First, I would black out the gold painted areas on the wheels, as well as black anodize the fork lower tubes. Then, add dark lexan covers over the front turn signals and mount them from behind the fairing. Also, add a clear lexan cover over the headlight (you can even now buy them ready-made with mounting hardware). You can see both of these mods in that pic of mine with the sidecar and trailer.

Just my 2c worth on a million$ bike!
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by Lucasind »

.....This is the one that I'm talkin about, A ride out to Denver is what this bike needs to increase the measly 20k on the odometer

Planning on breaking down the wheels this winter ,I have a buddy that works at a powder coating facility, and they will come back BLACK (great minds think alike :lol: )
The fork lowers will be done with a rattle can.

?/....So when R U gonna get started stripping urs down and painting it black ? :gig: :hpdc:
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

Blaspheme! I'll tell V___ger 7 that you really didn't mean that, Tony!

I never was really looking for another bike, but when I met John Diel (Okie34) on FB and saw his camping rig, it just lit a fire in me to regain what I had 20 years ago. Then I saw my Voyager listed on eBay with some excellent pictures and a video of it running that told me it was in pretty good shape, so I was hooked again. It's condition is too good to do anything but basically restore it and ride it. If I were to want to build a street fighter version I would find one with a good engine and ugly plastics to massage back into shape, like yours. I like that you kept all the comfort features in the fairing!

BTW, if you really do make that trip to Denver, stop in overnight. Independence, MO isn't far off a straight line from Holy Toledo!
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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by Lucasind »

. :gig: ....Hello Bruce, If you want to read the "rest of the story" :lol: of how I came to get this
stripped down modified ZN..... go to "general chat" page #2 about half way down or so you will see a post by "chevyman" where he shared a add he saw on craigslit earlier this summer,

As far as stopping over for a minute on my way to Denver,I'm thinking you attend the rally , .....after all ....your a heck of alot closer to Denver than me....and......The trip will give you the opportunity to test out your custom built final drive :lol: .....tony :-D

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Re: Newbie here, but not to the 1300

Post by trikebldr »

Ah! OK, now I'm up to speed on your 1300. You talked about turning those pipes 180 to help hide the mounts. If you turn them 180, then remove those castings that used to mount the running boards, you could use the upper-rear hole in the frame to hook a strap that will probably line up well with the muffler mounts turned inside.

As for the rally, my bike won't be ready for that. I sure thought about it, but too much to do before taking it farther than around the local countryside. I still don't have my clutch fixed yet. Just got my new friction plates and cover gaskets today. Still waiting on the holding tool.

BTW, I found my hydraulic cable oiler yesterday and oiled that clutch cable. Works much better, but still not as smooth as I would like it to be. Might have to work on a power-assist hydraulic clutch release system.
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