Engine Oil Type?

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Engine Oil Type?

Post by robertmohr »

My spec plate states SE class SAE 10W40, 10W50, 20W40, 20W50 grades of oil.
It doesn't specify whether the oil should have "wet clutch" protection.

What types for oil do you recommend?

Thanks for the input.
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Re: Engine Oil Type?

Post by trikebldr »

My '83 Voyager had over 200k miles when I sold it, and it still had the original clutch and was running great. I always used some good ol' Pennzoil 20W50 since I lived in the high-desert of So. Cal. Now that I am in the midwest I will be running some Pennzoil 10W50.

My latest aquisition is an '85 1300 and it's clutch slipped badly under heavy throttle. I was told it had some Mobil 1 put in it.

Never, ever use any synthetic oils. Stick with the old standbys to be sure they don't have any magical wonder ingredients in them. I used Kendahl Racing oil in my old Gold Wing for over 100k miles, too, and it worked well with it's wet clutch.
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Re: Engine Oil Type?

Post by debron »

Ron in Oregon
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