FREE! Running boards for Voyager 1300

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FREE! Running boards for Voyager 1300

Post by trikebldr »

I just stripped off the running boards (front!) that came on my used '85 Voyager 1300. I'm not a fan of running boards as a driver, but they are great as a passenger. I have no idea what brand these are, but the platform castings look like matches to the Voyager's original passenger platforms. What I really DON'T like about this set are the levers that come with them. They do not have splines like originals. They simply use a set-screw arrangement. They just don't fit all that snuggly to the shift and brake shafts. The running boards themselves are well made and in good condition. The brackets are very specific to the Voyager 1300. Mine is a '85, and I know, having owned an '83 before, that they will fit that year also. I would bet they will fit any 1300 model year. They need a bit of cleaning.
I just don't want to trash them if somebody wants them and can use them. Free! Even the shipping!


Here's a pic of what the right side looked like before I took them off. As you can see, they are styled to go well with the original passenger boards. Note how the brake lever has a "heel" pad as well as the pressure pad. The heel pad is right on top of the pivot, so it doesn't affect the braking. I just didn't like how high above the board the lever was.

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Re: FREE! Running boards for Voyager 1300

Post by Relics »

Definitely would like them. 314-695-5005.
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Re: FREE! Running boards for Voyager 1300

Post by trikebldr »

Running boards have been spoken for, are boxed up and waiting for me to take them to be shipped. Sorry, Relics!
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