Perfect addition regarding Fork Oil Changes,
Old, worn out, Fork Oil can get pretty bad in there. If you have bad/old/unknown Fork Oil inside your Fork Assemblies, I would suggest adding 1-2 oz. of SeaFoam to each of your fork tubes: manually pump them up/down 5-10 times to mix and circulate the SeaFoam, then drain them. The SeaFoam will dissolve any varnish, and other crud, present in your Forks, suspending it within your old Fork Oil; it will also slightly thin your Fork Oil, aiding it in draining out.
If 8 Wt oil works for you, in your forks, Dexron ATF is fantastic; if not, well, SeaFoam will quickly dissolve varnish and other crud inside your forks, ensuring your fresh Fork Oil goes into clean Fork Tube Assemblies. Any residual SeaFoam will be so limited that it will not affect your fresh Fork Oil at all.
That high detergent level of Dexron ATF means you won't need to use any solvent/SeaFoam in the forks, afterwards. If your Dexron ATF turns brown (starts out as bright, cherry red -- looks like tasty syrup, but smells really awful...), that indicates it has done its job, and it needs to be replaced, sooner, rather than later. Good luck!
