This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

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This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by suzib6sw »

Ok Folks.. Some of the most common things I hear is, I cant hear my radio, its not loud enough, can I add an amp?..

9 times out of 10, its a "User" issue rather than an actual electronic issue in that the rider is unaware of just how the radio should be set up..
1st: Check the mute buttons (BOTH of them) are out. Frequently, throwing your leg over, its possible to kick the rear passenger controls and it gets pushed in.

2nd: Unless you are using a head set, set the two LEFT control knobs on the radio to fully counter clockwise. You dont need them and they only affect the Intercom and CB and VOX (Voice operated switch level).

3rd: Make sure the HS block on the lcd isnt lit. If it is, you may JUST hear the speakers with your head glued to the front of the bike.

4th: Set the Outer RIGHT knob to 2 o'clock. This sets the maximum volume ABOVE 30mph.
5th: (Personal choice) set the inner right to max for max treble.
6th: With the bike at a standstill, with or without the engine, set the handlebar volume to show 2 or 3 blocks on the LCD . This sets the MAX volume UNDER 30Mph.. You may find 3 blocks too loud when stationary, at your garage door at 1am.. ;-)

7th. Enjoy!..

If, after you have run all the checks above and its still too quiet, then you need to take out the ear plugs or check the 7.5amp fuse on the power amp (under the right fairing under the cruise control actuator)..

Basically at those settings, you should be able to have plenty of volume down the road. If you are using cassettes, then either the head is magnetized, worn or your tape is shot.
If you cant hear the radio, it is possible that a capacitor in the radio has gone leaky and its holding the mute circuit on.


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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by Mr Jensee »

Thanks for posting this Pete. It took me a long time when I got my bike to figure out all that. Now a lot of people who are new to Voyager XII bikes will have the info they need. I suggest the editors make this a sticky. :thmup:
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by glich54 »

Dittos on the thanks...(the voyager radio appears to be an excellent example of an overly complicated design)
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by voyager55 »

Why did they make rear speakers? Riding solo you can't hear them.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by suzib6sw »

voyager55 wrote:Why did they make rear speakers? Riding solo you can't hear them.
well you kinda can if you wind the fader round but they were meant for Passenger enjoyment too.. Plus, it was a selling point against the Goldwing at the time ;-)
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by voyager55 »

Guess they look ok to, lol
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by joerod777 »


Good point about the mute button on the passenger remote. I had a volume problem and it turned out to be the passenger remote mute. Took me awhile to figure this out.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by gearheadfla »

joerod777 wrote:Pete,

Good point about the mute button on the passenger remote. I had a volume problem and it turned out to be the passenger remote mute. Took me awhile to figure this out.
Yeah, I got rid of that a long time ago. Drove me nuts.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by richardb, austin »

Yeah, I think my bike looks ok without rear speakers.
Also, if you do have headset cables, water in the rear headset connector (with the dust cover plug in place to catch & hold rain), will kill your volume. Pete, thanks for the post.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by carolinarider »

Great radio tips...thanks !! And talking about ear plugs, I always use 'em and find I enjoy the radio much more as the plugs eliminate all the wind noise .....
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by aace »

ok but how does one set the time and the preset radio stations?? also im gonna try a cassette adapter for my ipod?? have you heard of this or is there a better way to get modern music without sending the unit out??
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by Tonyvdb »

Press and hold the Memory button (ME) with the power off and push the arrows up to adjust the hr and down to adjust the min. When your tuned into the station you want push the ME button and then select the number you want the presets to be stored in.
A cassett adapter works great as I do the same. If the belt is still good it will work but if the belt is broken your out of luck and will have to send it in to Pete.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by Littlebeaver »

I was bewildered as to why the radio didn't stay the same volume after I got it,, the volume sound reduced as the speed of the machine did.. Hummmmm Is there not a way to keep it at one volume regardless? Or I this something I have to get used to?
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

The XII's have a volume advance feature (dependant on the speedo working) where after you get above a certain speed (I think its like 35) the volume steps up. On the radio, one of the two knobs(w/inner and outer controls) is marked "col adv" I'm pretty sure. Can't swear by it without looking but check it out. The concept is to counteract the increase of road noise at faster speeds!
Its intentional.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by suzib6sw »

Littlebeaver wrote:I was bewildered as to why the radio didn't stay the same volume after I got it,, the volume sound reduced as the speed of the machine did.. Hummmmm Is there not a way to keep it at one volume regardless? Or I this something I have to get used to?
There is an way but I would have to have the radio in order to disable the AVC and give you full control from the handlebar.. It may be possible to do without removing the radio but you it will be trial and error..
If you really want to do this, then let me know, otherwise, if you set the radio up as per my instructions at the top of this thread, it works exactly as designed and will be loud enough when stationary and moving.

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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by chevyman1 »

Just a thought, what if you unplug the wire from the radio to the speedometer?
I think it's a 2 wire plug with small wires :hmm:
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by carl leo »

this would do it but you would also lose the cruise control and self cancelling turn signals............
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Or just turn the volume down all the way on the AVC knob, that way it won't increase volume any more than what it is set at while setting still!
Set the volume using the volume control on the handlebar controls and leave it at that.
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by jek7galo »

Hello friends,
   I'm an intermittent problem, my radio is cutting the volume when the bike is over 30 ~ 50 miles, sometimes between 90 ~ 100, Printing a loose thread.
  Another symptom that presents the same problem is when I'm cruising speed and I accelerate faster and happens again the volume of the cut.
   Anyone seen this problem before?
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Re: This is how to set up the Volume on the Radio..

Post by suzib6sw »

jek7galo wrote:Hello friends,
   I'm an intermittent problem, my radio is cutting the volume when the bike is over 30 ~ 50 miles, sometimes between 90 ~ 100, Printing a loose thread.
  Another symptom that presents the same problem is when I'm cruising speed and I accelerate faster and happens again the volume of the cut.
   Anyone seen this problem before?
There are several possible causes here.
The Power amp by the Cruise control actuator may have cold solder joints.
There is a loose screw inside the radio from the front panel jumping about inside. This typically comes from end where the HS button is located. If the HS button has no effect, then thats probably it.
The AVC Circuit on the lower logic board is faulty..
In all cases, the radio needs to be removed :-(
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