Just want to say again, thanks to everyone for inviting Shelley and I to the ride in. sounds like everyone had a great time. We got back from our Fall ride from New Mexico to North Carolina, and then to Gettysburg for one less on the bucket list. Then on to Connecticut where this time it was my 2003 Voyager limped into Hartford. I thought i had checked the front disks for wear but they went metal to metal the last 50 miles.
We were planning on staying a week anyway but no bike sidetrips while there. 2 rotors and pad sets a week later and we hightailed it back to New Mexico via Knoxville (I84 to I81, then I40 all the way back). We rode Wednesday to Winchester, VA, then Thursday to Knoxville, TN, Little Rock, AR on Friday, then on to OK City, OK by Saturday afternoon. Sunday off for good behavior and then home by Monday night.
Sad to say that here above 6500 feet, my guess is I won't be riding whenever i want. Bikes will probably be parked in "Storage Mode" before Christmas. Then on to Panama till May 2017 (the country). I have been unsuccessful in talking Shelley into riding the bikes south for 3500 miles or so.
Thanks for listening, more later,