New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Voyager XII (1200cc, Four-cylinder) Years 1986 thru 2003.

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New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Nails »

This sticky is for folks who just bought a Voyager XII and found this website. Welcome.

I went through recent “New to XII” kinds of posts and compiled the following. It’s a mix of what to look for when shopping, catching-up overdue maintenance, and tips. I didn’t go out of my way with upgrades or farkles.
  • 1) Download the manuals.!Ao3K0Ai2gvglgS3l7J4pBJrjfBhc
    • a. Review Chapter 1, especially the Periodic Maintenance Chart on 1-7. Short story: Unless you know otherwise, consider doing basically every maintenance task in this table, to catch up. Log your maintenance.
      b. There's a readable pdf schematic at viewtopic.php?p=89919#p89919 (thanks, Dave!)
    2) Find the Tech Center, which is on the “AVA Home” website (look at the top of this blogs page). You’ll for sure want to stroll through Dollar4Dollar.
    3) Long story: I’m calling special attention to the following topics.
General info:

• For models from the ‘80’s (especially 1986 and early 1987), deal with the Igniter ( ... it=igniter). This can potentially brick your motor.

• Miscellaneous improvements after the first year: different fork tubes, cruise control, air deflectors ("winglets") on the fairing to improve wind protection, rigid locking covers for the "glove boxes" in the front fairing, rear speakers, and luggage rack, plus other stuff. I mean, the ’87-’03 bikes were almost exactly the same except color. From what I read, other changes through the years include clutch parts, water pump O-rings, radiator caps, front fork internals, and some other miscellany. See viewtopic.php?p=92221#p92221 for more info.

• Some believe that ’01-’03 models were prone to end-of-the-line quality issues such as insufficient lube on the driveshaft and U-joints.

• There are two options for a speedo gear (wheel end of the cable): accurate speed (23 teeth) or accurate mileage (25 teeth, stock). About 8% difference.

• Factory air suspension requires very little air volume, but I was able to cope with gas station air. Specialty pump and gage are available. Or upgrade away from air.

• Do a search here on “Carl Leo”. He knows everything about these bikes, is a swell guy, and has tons of spares. He’s semi-retired.

• XII have a positive neutral finder, a mechanical device that favors shifting from first gear to neutral when the bike is idling. When the engine is cold, you might have to go to 3K RPMs to shift into second. When the engine is off, you can't shift into second at all.

• The cruise control only works in 5th gear (you can find directions to defeat this); and only when you’re going above about 45. When it works at all.

Things to look for in a used XII:

• The XII front end is picky about lots of things, but the shortlist includes: Dunlop 404's (they just don't work on the front – even though they came stock); maladjusted headset bearings; improper air pressure (tires and forks/shocks); and loose frame bolts under the right fairing. Lots of potential problems, but most are fairly easy to fix on XII. A price negotiation factor?

• Check the front fender mounting bolts -- or actually the holes in the fender. These often are cracked, and that can't really be repaired. The plastic has an embedded metal plate, and it should have spacers to avoid crushing the plastic when you torque it down. When crushed (or even too many miles on rough roads), the plastic eventually cracks, and then you need another fender. Gene (ekap1200, memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=398) makes reusable spacers, but they won't help much if the plastic is already crushed -- the fender won't torque secure. Good fenders are hard to find. You may not be able to check this right without removing the fender. At the very least, see if the fender is loose on the bike. And avoid motocrossing your XII

• Check that the brake rotors aren’t gouged because they’re silly expensive.

• Check the tire date, 4 digits in a small oval. “4111” is 41st week of 2011. Search this blog for the latest tire faves. As above, dump any Dunlop 404 on the front. (They apparently work fine on other bikes, if it’s worth finding a new home for it.)

• These used bikes often have sat for years. Don’t be surprised if old gas screws up the carbs, such as a rough idle. This can require disassembling the carbs – more than just “dialing” something in. A price negotiation factor? (Many here recommend using Seafoam as a winterizing stabilizer.)

• Ask the seller to demonstrate the center-stand. There are one-piece stands out there, but they’re difficult to use. The center-stand usually is a double-jointed affair having two separate foot levers. One of these levers often rusts off or bends. On level ground and when all is working right, you can put this heavy beast on the center-stand wearing flip-flops. A slight rise under the stand makes this much harder. There are vids on the web showing how it works.

• The oil pans on many XII are damaged from banging on tall stuff, perhaps because the suspension has sagged or lost air. This damage often is repairable but can get pricey. The headers get smashed, too. Look under there.

• Look for rust in the gas tank fill neck. This usually can be fixed with a little labor and tank liner.

• Check all the locks with the key – including the fork lock. (Ask me how I know.)

• Check that the radiator fan comes on when idling. (Even when it’s hot out, it generally won’t come on when moving 45 or more.)
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New owners of Voyager XII (2 of 2)

Post by Nails »

Maintenance, reiterated or at least emphasized:

• Change all the fluids: oil (two drain bolts), coolant (see manual about venting), brakes (look for vids to avoid air), clutch, final drive, shocks, and forks. Lots of folks use Shell Rotella T 15-40 diesel oil in the crankcase. Consider flushing the radiator (Prestone flush), crankcase (Seafoam), and gas tank (Seafoam again). Or use your favorite snake oil. Look for oil filters that include both O-rings.

• Suspension oils: Many opinions here. The manual (pg 12-6, for '86 models) says SAE10W20, 160 ±2 mm (fully compressed) in the forks. The Supplemental Manual (pg 12-2, later models) says the same except 158mm. Many posts here call for higher oil levels (140 - 145mm, measured from the top). For the stock shocks, the manual says SAE5W, 230 ml, listing an air capacity of 160 ml (no change in the Supplemental). These manuals say "fork oil", but "SAE" sounds suspiciously like motor oil -- dunno.
Many of us are fond of the stock shocks, assuming fresh oil and that they haven't started leaking yet. Changing the shock oil is a hassle, and I don't think there's a reliable method to completely drain them or accurately measure either the oil or headspace (the manual's procedure doesn't work). But most aftermarket shocks don't allow changing the oil at all -- you have to replace the whole shock.
For both the forks and shocks, many folks here use dedicated fork oils at 7.5W - 15W as well as ATF (reportedly about 8W). ATF has lots of detergent additives -- to calm your nerves when you see the heinous matter that drains out of your forks.
Regarding that ATF (from Sgt Slag): use Dextron (I-VI), available everywhere. VI is fully synthetic, lasting twice as long. Dextron was used by Honda and others starting in the late 1970's, saving them money while still giving good results. Comes cherry red and turns dark, usually brown, when spent.
In all of this, I reckon you'll just have to pick the story you like best. But do change at least the the damn fork oil.

• Along with replacing all the fluids, also lube all the throttle cables. Note the cables going to the cruise control actuator, which is under the right fairing.

• Basically, everyone here blows off the oil sight glass, which reportedly can be misleading anyway. Just pour in 3qts + 22 oz (assumes new oil filter) and ignore it. Pick up a cheap plastic pitcher (with a lid to keep it clean) at Goodwill and mark it off with a Sharpie.

• Mind the saddlebag lids. The latches commonly bend, and the lids commonly fly off. Tether them so they don’t fly far. Bend the latches so that they’re tight. Just locking the latches sometimes doesn't help.

• The wiring harness goes around the left side of the steering head. Strange electrical gremlins have been traced to this connector. The factory tie here is too tight, so replace it with something looser.

• An upgrade that almost everyone does: Progressive front springs instead of the air forks. Consider keeping the air manifold to periodically bleed off pressure. Consider removing the forks yourself but taking them, Progressive springs, and new bushings, seals, some Dextron, & etc to a repair shop for a cheap rebuild. Some folks like fork braces. I understand that cartridge-emulator systems can be even better, but they're pricey and can take an effort to properly dial-in.

• As already mentioned, the stock shocks work very well with new fluid – as long as they aren’t leaking. Progressive shocks (two spring rates) are available.

• Check the steering head bolt tension. Vids here on how to do it right; and ekap1200 (memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=398) makes a tool for this.

• Lube the cables, hand lever pivots, speedo cables/gears, shift linkage, and kick/center stands. Deal with any rust on the center-stand – this might require creative welding.

• Check the shift linkage, especially that the shift lever is on its shaft tight. When loose, up-shifts can become difficult.

• Inspect all electrical connections you come across, and put them back together with dielectric grease. There are threads here and elsewhere about repairing them when they fall apart in your hands.

• Consider replacing every gasket and rubber or plastic tubing thing you come across. That stuff rots, and these are old bikes. This is especially true of the coolant hoses and O-rings in the thermostat housing and coolant manifold. If you take the oil pan off, consider changing the O-rings in there – about a dozen of them.

• The carbs are a PITA to remove (take them out the left side, and try not to be too hard on the boots). So, consider trying to get away with running a lot of Seafoam and draining gunk out of the float bowls. Properly tuning Keihin carbs is a black art – consider taking just the carbs to a good mechanic for cleaning and proper assembly. Synching them isn’t difficult but requires manometers – if you don’t have them, consider taking the bike to a shop for a final tune-up.

• Check the brake pad thicknesses. The rear caliper can be a bitch to remove. Consider SS brake and clutch lines and fancy brake pads (visit with HMB Don here, memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=239).

• If you have to take the carbs off, replace the fuel filter. Consider replacing fuel lines, too.

• Consider upgrading the spark plugs (iridium) and coil wires (just buy about 6' of wire and reuse the stock ends). XII have a design flaw allowing crud to accumulate around the spark plugs. These wells have a teeny drain toward the carburetors. Open that, flush as much crap out as possible, and just do the best you can to keep sand and crap out of the cylinders.

• Consider adding a new ground wire from the BATT(-) to any nearby frame bolt. Or many extra ground wires.

• The cruise actuator (under the right fairing) is prone to slipping out of adjustment (first thing to check if cruise doesn’t work). The next is all the switches involved (see 15-15 in the Supplemental Manual for how to check them). There are two switches on both the hand and foot brake, one is for lights (normally open) and the other is to cancel the CC (normally closed). (You can hear them click independently.) These connectors often come loose. Several other switches, such as in the clutch lever. Consider hitting them all with silicon spray. Adjust the carb cables (five of them) according to the manual – a little tricky but have been known to cure “carburetor” problems.

• A couple of O-rings on the driveshaft have been known to cause leaks. If you have the rear wheel off, consider pulling the driveshaft to inspect and grease the U-joints and splines. Also, consider drilling out a vent hole in the final drive housing. Finally, grease the swingarm bearings while it’s off. See ... 5#p85425.

Sources that you might want to review (in no order):
- ... 998#p63998
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=68695#p68695
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=70746#p70746
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=68082&sid=f1dab2 ... f9#p68082
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=80661#p80661
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=86798#p86798
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=89920#p89920
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=88580&sid=078e2a ... 789#p88580
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=91015#p91015
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=79332#p79332
- /forum/viewtopic.php?p=85425&sid=5d558 ... a25#p85425
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Wow Nails, great job summarizing. Guess that covers pretty much everything on the web site and everything everybody knows. Well, that's it, we can close up shop now! :rolling:
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Nails »

Thanks ... but hardly.
Anyone want to take a stab at farkles?
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by 2wrems »

Just a FYI. So many people mention Carl Leo that doing a search of " Carl Leo" doesn't come up with anything, other than people talking about him. I have tried to find his contact information numerous times and came up with nothing.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by GrandpaDenny »

His phone number is listed in the classifieds. His email is The man is a walking, talking encyclopedia of all things VXII.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Nails »

Edit: Dennis beat me to it.

Note that being mostly retired, he might not get back to you immediately. I can relate.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by 2wrems »

Thanks. Nice to see his email. I shot him an email.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Nails wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:43 pm Edit: Dennis beat me to it.
neener neener
Note that being mostly retired, he might not get back to you immediately. I can relate.
He got back to me in a few hours, and since then the emails have been rapid. He's got what I'm looking for, and at a decent price, and has it all ready to ship already. Maybe he's been bored? LOL

I've spoken to him on the phone before, seems like a nice guy. Was hoping to meet him during The Trip last summer but cancelled the Florida part of it (my son lives a ways down the coast from him). Maybe this year? Maybe next? I don't think I'm going to be gallivanting about the country this summer again because of the COVID. Again might run down to NC/TN to visit a friend and run the Dragon and BRP again, but not going to either the rally or Florida at this point.
Dennis Fariello
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by DaveMac »

GrandpaDenny wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:38 pm His phone number is listed in the classifieds. His email is The man is a walking, talking encyclopedia of all things VXII.
this is an under statement! i have spoken to him a few times he is the only one who can listen to what your are saying and tell you "spot on" what is wrong...we don't call him "top gun" for nothing...well that was his handle then.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Nails »

So far, this thread doesn't say much about "upgrades or farkles". But here's a thread about OEM Accessories ... 15&t=12627.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Sci_ »

Absolutely wonderful write-up.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Nails »

Ah shucks. :rolling:

Actually, it rather desperately needs an update. If anybody wants to take that on, let me know and I'll send you the original text to edit. Or PM me with simple edits. I'm not feeling ownership here.

For starters, one of you (presumably enthusiastic) folks new to the XII might look for posts more recent than mine for whatever topic I tried to cover. There's new, better info for pretty-much everything.

Note that you'll need special permission from our webmaster for posts with that many URL links. I don't think I have that permission any more.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Highway Rider »

Nails wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 12:48 am Note that you'll need special permission from our webmaster for posts with that many URL links. I don't think I have that permission any more.

Actually, at the current time, there is an unlimited number of URLs that you can list per post. It will remain that way, till I see what, I would deem it as abuse

The problem with too many URLs is that it can make a post very long. But it is nice to have them all within one post so (the story) doesn't get lost
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by Nails »

Thx. I just successfully did a quick update, mostly of fork oils.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by augwld »

I have spent the last 6 years restoring my 2003 XII. 3800 original miles and original tires. A pure bred garage queen. Time sitting has created many quirks and issues. I have now(this week) logged 125 miles on her. Still having issues, but it is a labor of love. Original air suspension is working. I agree, the dunlops suck. I am hoping to ride her to the next AVA Rally. I'll keep working on my queen.
Thank you all for your insight and advise.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by gtem »

A superb write up/reference for newly minted Voyager owners like me, thank you! :bravo:
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by ekap1200 »

Another important item to look at are the engine mounts. When sacked out , you will notice that the clutch cover may be resting on the frame. Even with good or new mounts , it is a very close clearance .

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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by royphotog »

This is great information. I just signed up on the forms because I was browsing Craigslist and came across a 1988 Voyager for $2,500. I have always had an interest in this bike, just like the way it looks, and it's about time for me to think about a real touring bike. I just turned 69 and have been riding for a little over 20 years. My ZZR 1200 Kawasaki just bit the dust, and while I still have a 06 V Storm, I want the wife to start riding again. I know next to nothing about the specifics of the Voyager, and this write-up, the whole form, is surely helpful.
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Re: New owners of Voyager XII (1 of 2)

Post by SantaCruzer »

Hey everyone My name is Ben. I just pick up a 2001 Voyager with 18,000 miles on. I am beyond ecstatic. I have been reading the forums and there is a ton of information. Like everyone suggests I am going to change all the fluids. The one piece of information I cant seem to find is what size crush wasers the seem to be a couple of different sizes. I tried searching but nothing came up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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