Private Message Boxes- Out box and Sent box

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Rhinestone Kawboy
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Private Message Boxes- Out box and Sent box

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

For the many of you who use private messaging on this forum, there has been a question on when private messages are moved to the sent box after sending.

Here's how that works:

When you send a private message to someone, after clicking the submit button to send it, it appears in your out box. It will remain in your out box until the recipient visits his private message folder. Then, and only then, will it move from your out box to your sent box. If the recipient never visits or goes to their private message folders, it will remain in your out box. So, if your message never leaves your out box, you can assume the recipient never checked their private messages. The recipient can still go to their private message folder which will move the message from your out box to sent box as previously noted, but that does not mean the recipient actually read the message, they just went to their message folders.

With this in mind, if you have messages that never moved from your out box to your sent box, you may want to use the Email function of the board (if the intended recipient has enabled that function), or use regular email if you know it, and send them your private message to them as an email, as some do not notice that they have private messages, or don't visit the board that often.

For those that don't visit this board that often:

I would suggest setting your preferences in your "User Control Panel" to allow email notifications to you in case someone sends you a private message. This way, you are less likely to miss private messages, if you don't check your private message folders often.

The private message folders can be accessed at the top of any of the forum pages (when logged in) at the top left hand side.
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