Winter is coming for some of our members here in the USA and around the world, so colder weather and most likely non-riding or at least reduced riding season is fast approaching. So... what are your plans to do to your bike this off or reduced time riding season? You will be able to select up to 6 options, and will be able to change your "vote". This poll is open to all brands and models. This Poll will last 15 days.
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
Iron Butt Member #47339
Hit a big old pot hole the other day and my inner fairing(1300) just exploded.
So now I know what I will be doing if the weather gets to bad for riding.
It is finally getting cool enough for me to comfortably ride the Voyager. I usually get in my maintenance and/or upgrades in the weeks leading up to a long ride.
My oldest son painted my bike for a Father's Day present this year. What a great kid. Makes me so happy I could cry. Now how do I take part in the poll?