Trailer Wiring

Use a trailer for M/C camping, storage, or hauling your bike? Need some wiring advice, brand or model advice? Here's where you want to be.

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Trailer Wiring

Post by cowboy296 »

I bought a Tag-Along trailer from Harbor Frieght yesterday, $295.99, used a 20% coupon. How do I do the wiring from the bike? The trailer has a four prong I have a 1988 Voyager 1200. Do I splice into the exiting wiring, solder and tape good?

Also is Marvellas still the best place for a hitch?
Thanks for any help
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

If you don't want to add turn signals to the trailer, you will need a converter to go from a 5 wire setup on the Voyager to the 4 wire on the trailer. Hoppy is usually the brand. Walmart, any auto parts store, etc. The majority has had good luck with them, but they do occasionally go bad, or are bad out of the package.
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

cowboy296 wrote: Also is Marvellas still the best place for a hitch?
Thanks for any help
Marvellas is definitely the best place. They are Voyager riders and supporters of the AVA.
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by cowboy296 »

Thanks for the quick reply. I am going to order the hitch from Marvellas tonight. Also picked up the converter today.
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by ekap1200 »

If you remove the trunk and passenger seat its easy to work on the wiring for the trailer. And yes you can solder in the wire's and either tape or use heat shrink tubing, and make yourself a harness that will run down to the hitch. I would suggest reading the forums listings for trailers/trailer tech., and learn all you can, the guys here have covered all the pros and cons and helpfull hints for cycle trailering. Can't help you on the hoppy adapter, my trailer has seperate tail/stop and turn lamp assemblies. I would suggest using LED lamps, its quite a saving on power but at a high initial cost per lamp. Im sure someone will chime in here and give you color codes and locations of where they tied into, but if you own a test light you'll do fine. Gene Kap.
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by cowboy296 »

I have checked out the trailer forum section last night and there is alot of information there. I bought a hoppy 5 wire independant to 4 wire converter yesterday at a Carquest, part number 70097 ( I think). It was rated for 2.1 amps. I took it back today as I am not sure of what I need. It was made by Hoppy but not sure if it was the correct one. It was oval in shape with holes on the side for mounting. Someone had said to use a Hoppy 46355 which I think has a power wire that goes directly off of the battery for a 12V supply.

I went to several auto stores today. All had different ones, none had a 46355. Several had 46155. All were around $25. Wal Mart had one that was around $11 but I forgot the part number.

O'Reilly's said they could order the 46355 but was $100.

Can anyone let me know the part number that I need. The best I gather from the forum is that some use the inexpensive ones and others go with the 12 Volt supplied one? My trailer does not have LED lights on it, would consider swapping them to LED if needed. Another question about LED lights. Do you replace the whole light or just bulbs?

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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

cowboy296 wrote: Another question about LED lights. Do you replace the whole light or just bulbs?

Usually, just the bulbs.
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by ekap1200 »

Hello from south Jersey, Keep in mind that LED lamps are not all the same, It depends how your bulbs are oriented , (straight in or sideways ) check out this site for your options.
Good luck with your converter Gene Kap
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by Bob in Tucson »

I have Hoppy model #48925, which I purchased from Pep Boys for $25. I've used this setup now, with LED lights, for about 2 years and some 15,000 miles and no problems.
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Re: Trailer Wiring

Post by cowboy296 »

Thank you all for the information. I love this site!!!
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