Passenger back rest adjustment

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Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by late2ride »

I recently bought a 2002 XII as a second bike to ride with my wife on the back. She wasn't pleased with the seating on my Honda VTX1800. Now she's not happy with the space between my back and her backrest. Too much distance. Is there a way to adjust the trunk/backrest assembly forward to accomodate smaller passengers? To further complicate the question I picked up some after market arm-rest brackets from "Chris near Kansas City" and Goldwing arm-rests. They may block the assembly from moving forward. Sadly my wife now says she'd rather ride on the VTX until I get this fixed.....
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by Furchin »

The trunk/back rest is adjustable on the Voyager. Have you made sure that yours is in the forward most position? The adjustment lever is under the trunk at the back left hand side. Look at the bike from the rear along the slide rail for the trunk and you should see a lever and 3 notches for different positions.
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

...and if it is in the forward most position and she still isn't happy, I believe you can buy the trunk extender brackets and mount them so you move the trunk further forward than backward. Or invest in a sheepskin cover for the backrest which will move her another inch or so closer to you.
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by SgtSlag »

Gold Wing arm rests should be fine, depending on how they mount. I bought a set for a GS1200 (1983?), which attach with a single bolt, on the side. If you have the arm rests that use a plate, and three bolts, attaching to the side of the trunk, I couldn't say.

If your trunk is already full-forward, you might try a lumbar pad, from your local Wal-Mart's automotive section, or look at any auto-parts store. We used one last year, as our passenger backrest seemed to be angled too far back, and we were always straining our necks holding our heads up. The only challenge with a lumbar pad, is attaching it... We lost two of them, so make sure you secure it to the trunk before you go. :thmup:

With regards to using the Trunk Extender to move your trunk further forward, I don't think you can reverse it. I just installed one last night, and it is made to fit the trunk one way, as one end of the bars has a riser on it. If you turn them around, your trunk will sit at an odd angle, assuming the holes line up.

Let us know how things turn out. Your solution may help others in the future. Cheers!

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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by Nathan (South Carolina) »

I would check to see if there is a trunk extender already on the bike causing it to be farther back than normal. The trunk extender in its forward most position adds a gap of a couple of inches to the backrest.
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by debron »

Since I ride solo, I have my trunk adjusted all the way forward on the stock bracket and there's not much room for a passenger. Is your wife really small?
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

Sent you an email, but the trunk can't be moved forward to the middle or forward slot with my brackets. I'll see if I can come up with something, otherwise we can work something out if you need to send them back to me. May have to take a trip over to my brothers and check out the '90 since it doesn't have a trunk extender on it and no armrests.
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by Furchin »

Chris, I had your brackets on my '86 (getting ready to sell it) and I could always move my trunk to any position i wanted. I do have extenders on it though. Don't think it made any difference in the ability to move the trunk with or without the extenders.
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Re: Passenger back rest adjustment

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

Without a trunk extender, the front lower edge of the trunk will contact the lower 3"x3" plate of my brackets.
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