Intercom/headset questions

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Intercom/headset questions

Post by Jim&Debbie »

Well I finally got some headsets for me and the lady so we can communicate better while voyaging :gig:

They are J&M and they sound great, but my question is...

When the audio/radio is on and I fiddle with the intercom controls, I can turn up the mic and hear it OVER the audio/radio, but it does not mute the audio? Should the audio mute? If I turn on the CB and turn the squelch down, it does mute the audio and I only hear the CB.

Just don't know exactly how this is "normally" supposed to work since this is the first time I have hooked up working headsets.

And if it is supposed to mute the audio, where do I start looking to fix? Connections somewhere, I do know there are a lot of them on this audio system.

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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

There is a separate control for the mute. It should be marked on the radio, one of the outside rings I believe of the 2 knobs on the LH side. Keep in mind though, that you have to project enough to get the system to recognize someone is talking. I have no trouble triggering the mute, but on occasion, the wife's quieter and higher pitched voice will not mute the system.
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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by suzib6sw »

Left control outer know adjust the point at which the radio/cb/tape is muted when you speak..
Left control inner adjusts intercom mic volume..

Hope that helps

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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by forplay »

I have found that if the mic level is up high you will here road noise in your headset while you are listening to the radio/tape player. The road noise isn't loud enough to trigger the mute. Turn down your mic volume till you don't here the road noise. It will still be loud enough for intercom communication with your passanger. I have also found that when you have a passanger with you they sit higher an therefore will get more wind noise into there mic. There is a mic on/off adapter that you can put in line with your headset cord and bike that will turn off the mic to the headset in which it is connected to. Your passanger can then turn on there mic when they want to talk and turn it off when they don't. This will reduse much of the road noise. J&M and Sierra electronics I believe sell them.
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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by dapasda »

forplay wrote:There is a mic on/off adapter that you can put in line with your headset cord and bike that will turn off the mic to the headset in which it is connected to. Your passanger can then turn on there mic when they want to talk and turn it off when they don't. This will reduse much of the road noise. J&M and Sierra electronics I believe sell them.
My recommendation would be to get the Push To Talk cable, instead of the On/Off cable. We have the On/Off cable, and I will say something to my wife, and she will answer (Forgetting to turn the mic on), or she will talk and forget to turn the switch back off, and you get all the road noise.

I think if the passenger got used to pushing the the Push To Talk button, and it automatically turned off when released, it would save a lot of annoyance. J&M has both cables. My personal experience has not been pleasant with the On/Off cable.

Just my two cents (That's $3,246.27 with inflation).
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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by Neal »

I have the Air Rider units......either way......
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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by Jim&Debbie »

Thanks for all the replies!

After a few trips we have them working pretty well now.

I guess I was expecting them to work different/better way(no mic audio until spoken into mic), but I guess I was expecting too much for the technology.

Sure beats yelling and turning to hear her :)
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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by suzib6sw »

Hmm.. the function I think you are looking for is Voice operated transmission (or switch) otherwise known as VOX. Or an Auto mute with no audio.
It may be possible to retrofit one into the radio..
Hmmmm.. Rainy day project.. ;-)
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Re: Intercom/headset questions

Post by Jim&Debbie »

Now that would be awesome!!!

I do enjoy your other mods to the audio system.

Keep up the good work!!
87 Voyager XII (being resurrected)
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