Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

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Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

Post by StarShipVoyager »

My rear shocks keep loosing there air pressure , front seem to hold just fine. The gauge is in some kind of Metric reading Kps or somthing. I put a hose kit for car air shocks on it , it all seems to be working just fine . Im not sure at what pressure to run them at , any idea?
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Re: Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

Post by Danh »

Here is a link to a converter
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Re: Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

Post by addonii »

If all you have done is gone over to another type of air hose then everything still gets pumped up to the same as before.

Do / are you still using the OEM gauge on the right fairing leg? If you still are using it, it is clearly marked as to the front and rear pressure range. Don't exceed those values.

If your gauge is not working or gone use the values below.

According to the shop manual for the ZN1300 page 1-13

Check the air pressure when cold and the bike is on the center stand "not the side stand".

Anyway the standard starting pressures in psi are:

Front - 8.5 pounds per square inch

Rear - 36 pounds per square inch

Caution per shop manual- Pressure for the front exceeding 36 psi and for the rear exceeding 71 psi will damage the seals.

From the owners manual for the bike page 114 shows the following:

For the front 7.1 to 14 psi depending on how hard/firm you want.

For the rear 28 to 57 psi depending on how hard/firm you want.

also if you look at the rear shocks near the top you will see a dial with 4 settings that controls the damping force.

1 is the least and 4 is the most.
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Re: Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

Post by StarShipVoyager »

The front were holding air , and still do. The rear are allways flat , with the air gauge reading (0) i would have to pump it up every time i got on. PLUSS it was easy to know when its down , the bike sits LOWER , so with the kick stand down the bike is allmost straight up , hardly leaning over , the more air i put in , 3 to 4 on the gauge , the bike sits up and leans over more. I put in 40 psi after i had the aftermarket hose kit on and it rode a LOT better. The on board pump is temperamental , works some times other times nothing . Now the bad news it still flat the next day and i have to find a gas station to pump it back up. The shocks are progessive aftermarket ones , the bike has 60 K on her so no telling how long they have been on , but safe to say its been a while.
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Re: Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

Post by Me Again »

StarShipVoyager wrote:The front were holding air , and still do. The rear are allways flat , with the air gauge reading (0) i would have to pump it up every time i got on. PLUSS it was easy to know when its down , the bike sits LOWER , so with the kick stand down the bike is allmost straight up , hardly leaning over , the more air i put in , 3 to 4 on the gauge , the bike sits up and leans over more. I put in 40 psi after i had the aftermarket hose kit on and it rode a LOT better. The on board pump is temperamental , works some times other times nothing . Now the bad news it still flat the next day and i have to find a gas station to pump it back up. The shocks are progessive aftermarket ones , the bike has 60 K on her so no telling how long they have been on , but safe to say its been a while.
Chances are you have a slow leak and have lost all (or most) of the fluid.
Pull the Two air lines and fill with ATF sealer conditioner .Should be fine after that.
If you want you could pull the shocks and tip them over to drain ,but I have a feeling there is no fluid in them anyways.
I used a 40ml syringe and kept track of how much I put in. Make sure they are bottomed out so you don't overfill.
Just because they are low on oil doesn't mean they are bad.Just lost the fluid slowly over 28 years.
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Re: Air shock gauge is Metric whats Psi =

Post by Skibou »

I kilopascal is 0.145 psi approximately
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