Looking for some input and ideas.....

This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Voyager XII (1200cc, Four-cylinder) Years 1986 thru 2003.

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Bruce in OK
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Looking for some input and ideas.....

Post by Bruce in OK »

I went with a friend to the BMW MOA International Rally in Missouri last weekend. One of the products found in the Twisted Throttle booth caught my attention. It is an LED light bar that duplicates tail/brake and signal lights on a compact light bar. There are two versions a "mini" (8" long) and a large (10.75" long). Here is a link complete with videos:


I'd either like to fit it to the unused lens on the rear fender or perhaps removing the "Voyager" emblem from the trunk and placing it a little higher for even better visibility. Have any of you used this or a similar product? How did you mount it?

If I mount it low, I'm considering removing the lens all together and use a piece on plexiglass of a similar thickeness, cover it with red reflective tape, and then mount the light bar on top of it. That way, the integrity of the lens isn't compromised.

If I mount it high, I will remove the emblem, cover the back of the mounting bracket with a film to keep from marring the trunk (I know I will still have to drill two holes), and install the bar.

This looked like a well-made unit that I perceive would really increase visibility from the rear.

Any thoughts?
Bruce in OK
'01 VXII; '99 Honda CB 250 Nighthawk
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Re: Looking for some input and ideas.....

Post by SgtSlag »

I installed a third brake light, LED bar, on the top cover of the trunk. It came with stand-off mounting brackets, which allow it to be pivoted, up/down. I ran the wires through the trunk, splicing them into the brake lights in the lower trunk. I aimed them so they shine into the eyes of car drivers directly behind me.

Now, about this unit. It seems to come with a mounting bracket, so it should attach basically the same as my LED bar. You can seal the mounting screw holes, and the hole for the wires, with clear/black RTV Silicone, to be sure water doesn't get into your trunk. Just be sure to secure the wires, across the top of the interior case lid, so that they don't get ripped out by stuff inside the trunk. I used an electrical wiring, crimp-on, ring connector, and a loop of insulated wire, secured to the luggage rack mounting bolts. The loop of wire holds the electrical wires, up, and out of the way. You can make the wire loop small, to keep the wires from moving around too much. Cheers!

1993 Voyager XII
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Re: Looking for some input and ideas.....

Post by gearheadfla »

When it comes to being seen I prefer to have my extra brake lamps mounted eye level with the drivers behind me, you know kinda in there face I'm stopping. So I mounted mine on the top of my trunk.
As you can see, they should know something is in front of them lol
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
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