Scott, again, thanks for the heads up!Scott-(Altoona, PA) wrote: To reconnect your cable remove the trim around the headlight, carefully as there are plastic tabs on it and some folks have broken them off accidentally when removing. Once that's removed pull the headlight out and let it hang, shine a light in there and you should see easily where the cable screws back on.
I would suggest taking it off at the wheel and blowing some cable lube through it before you put it back on. Just an option!

I had already come to grips with the task of removing the Port side fairing to re-connect...something to the speedo!?
After closer inspection, meaning I removed the tape like substance the PO wrapped the end of the speedo cable with, I found that the end of the cable was NOT fraid & busted up, but the "collar" that prevents the threaded ring from slipping off, had been compromised. Since I have delt with this on my KLR before, I knew just what to do! After I found my pipe flair maker...I fixed the cable end. And your tip about going in through the head light hole...Priceless!

I then...of course, had to go for a "test ride"!?
The automatic audio gain worked as before, the turn signal cancellation worked as before...however, the "on" light comes on for the cruise, but the "set" light does not, meaning, the cruise will not "engage"!?

So, it's back in the shop, waiting for me to look at it. Not sure what to look for?
The first thing I thought was the fuse, but the "on" light comes on, therefor, the cruise has power...!?
It's late, but I think I'll look at the manual before I go to bed...thanks again Scott for the tip!