electrical problem

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electrical problem

Post by krider45 »

Greetings; 1986 voyager vii, all my lights and guages have stopped working but fuses are good, any ideas would be appreciated.
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Re: electrical problem

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

There is a wire bundle that runs (setting on the bike) along the left frame side under the faux tank. If you follow the wires from the ignition down you will find it. The tie wrap from the factor is famous for being too tight and breaking the wires under the wire insulation, at times not visible. Cut that tie wrap and wiggle the wires slowly. Chances are you will find that the lights, radio, electrical all come back and possibly come and go.
Mine did this when the handlebars were turned to the left, as in locking the ignition. I only had one brake that I had to fix but others have found more, it all depends on how tight that plastic strap was installed.
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Re: electrical problem

Post by k7nutN7nut »

Check wiring like Scott mentioned, but what is your battery voltage...better yet, how good is your battery?
The battery would have to be very, very low for that to happen.
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Re: electrical problem

Post by krider45 »

Battery is good, radio works, turn signals work, all lights dont work, guages dont work, starts and runs perfect, fuses are good, wiggled wires all over, am frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!! :tho: :gmad: :cry2:
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Re: electrical problem

Post by ekap1200 »

krider45 wrote:Battery is good, radio works, turn signals work, all lights dont work, guages dont work, starts and runs perfect, fuses are good, wiggled wires all over, am frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!! :tho: :gmad: :cry2:
dump question / but did you test the fuses using a test lamp or meter, or did you just look at them? Also did you wiggle the wires right at the key switch ?
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Re: electrical problem

Post by OldKawDrvr »

krider45 wrote:Greetings; 1986 voyager vii, all my lights and guages have stopped working but fuses are good, any ideas would be appreciated.
I had a similar problem. I had cleaned and greased all the connectors, checked for frayed and broken wires,
checked fuses wiggled every thing and cussed a lot because the problem was intermittent. :tho: Then while pulling relays to check with the ohmmeter I noticed two of them were warm. Replaced them and the problem has not resurfaced.....yet. The one on the left side with the heavy white wires was warm and the one on the right side above the headlight was hot. Used the Toyota part #'s and they were an exact replacement for $12 each. :pray:
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Re: electrical problem

Post by MalamuteMike »

check the wires that come out of the ignition switch there is a tie-wrap that's 4-5 inches from the switch, check there most likely your problem is there, I would tear into that anyway I had 1 broken wire and 3 that were almost broke in half, I added 5 inches of wire to all of the wires and used heat shrink butt splices and taped them together really good and tie-wrapped it loose so they can move, I used a heavier gauge wire then factory
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Re: electrical problem

Post by mountainman »

There is a large white plug connector in left side of fairing. Check that thing for a burned connection inside it. Its location is to the left side of battery but inside left fairing cover. If it is the problem you will need to rewire around the white connector the affected wires only. I think a white wire but I'm not sure on the memory of wire color and there could be more wires affected if corrosion is the culprit. Corrosion will not carry an amp load and the wire connector melts as a result. This happened to my 86, if I remember right its was only two wires melted inside connector. You have to pull it apart to check it. This culprit will work intermittently until it gives out completely. Sometimes you can stick your fingers down in just left of battery but into the fairing, there is a slight opening there. Wiggle the connector and it will connect up for a short period if its not burned out. It just depends on how bad connectors are fried. This is a good place to look for a bad connection!
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Re: electrical problem

Post by krider45 »

can someone give relay part # for replacement ? they are heating up, also the "big white plug" had a bad connection. Thanks for the pointers...... :thmup: :thmup:
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Re: electrical problem

Post by doug of so fla »

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Re: electrical problem

Post by VoyKimmer »

I've had 3 relays go out on my bike. Brake, Headlight and Main. One was my fault. The other 2 was just wierd intermintent problems.

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