New Device for improved visibility: Vololights Kickstarter.

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New Device for improved visibility: Vololights Kickstarter.

Post by SgtSlag »

Link to Vololights project on Kickstarter: link.

Essentially, it flashes LED's, or your signal, or brake lights, in two different patterns, as your bike decelerates, automatically, to wake up cage drivers behind you. This device is different than existing brake modulators, in that it uses a decelerometer, to automatically sense decreases in speed: when you close the throttle, downshift, or maybe just coast up a hill. It has two patterns, one to indicate a mild deceleration, and another to signal a faster deceleration. There are different options: built-in LED's (under development), wired into existing brake lights, or wired into existing turn signal lights.

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends/teaches that we should flash our brakes when we slow down, to alert vehicles behind us. How many of us remember to do this?... :oh:

This device is different than existing brake modulators, because it works automatically; with brake flashers, you must engage the brake before the unit flashes your lights, so during decelerations caused by pulling the clutch, coasting, shifting, etc., drivers behind you have no warning unless they see you decelerating.

Just thought I'd share, as it could help protect you, and your passenger, when riding. I am not affiliated with this company in any way, other than I am a backer. Cheers! :thmup:

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Re: New Device for improved visibility: Vololights Kickstar

Post by MalamuteMike »

You just got to watch out for the stupid MORON drivers, a couple of years ago we were driving on I-71 and a accident was ahead we were in the hammer lane, seen the brake lights coming on way up ahead so I started tapping the brake lights to start controlling traffic behind me, this stupid moron woman in a suburban came up on our left and tried to hit and run us into another car (they moved over), she tried to say I was brake checking her,(I stopped and told the State Trooper at the accident what happened) well if I was (but wasn't) maybe she shouldn't have been following so close, but at least did leave a few dents in her doors of her new truck, I had boots on and kicked her doors till she finally backed off, I asked her why she didn't try the same thing to the 3 guy on H-D bikes with leather jackets & patches, no answer.
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Re: New Device for improved visibility: Vololights Kickstar

Post by biggersm »

I like the concept. I will admit that I predict traffic patterns a half to full mile ahead when coming up on a red light and will let off the throttle and let engine braking take over. Of course that means that we don't have our brake lights on, but we can assume that this system will compensate for that.

Ironically my easy style of braking is usually more efficient that all the other vehicles around me. Vehicles often pass me on the way to a yellow light followed by charging up to a red light while I casually let off the throttle and get the jump on them at the green light. My personal challenge is to never have to put my feet down.

The only upside to our method of braking system is that we get 30K miles or more out of our brake pads.
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Re: New Device for improved visibility: Vololights Kickstar

Post by SgtSlag »

Surprisingly, they have met their financing goal of $50,000 -- people came out of the woodwork in the last two days to sponsor it (it sat at $30,000 for a long time). Now it will be 'hurry up and wait', to receive my box.

After I receive my box (fingers crossed -- never done a Kickstarter before... :hmm: ), and I install it, I will report back here as to what I think of it (will have my son drive behind me to film it in action?...). Also need to decide whether to connect it to the existing brake lights, or wire it into the rear turn signals -- both have their advantages. :hmm: Cheers!

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Re: New Device for improved visibility: Vololights Kickstar

Post by SgtSlag »

Not sure if anyone on this forum decided to give this Kickstarter a try, but after careful consideration of wiring the unit into existing lights, I've decided to add additional, high-powered LED's, just for this light controller.

If I wire the unit into the existing brake lights, I defeat the brake flasher module I already have installed (only flashes the brakes when I apply them, so no lights when engine braking...). If I wire the unit into my existing signal lights, it interferes with the turn signal functions, should I decelerate when approaching a turn -- Ack!!! My solution will be to add a couple of 3 Watt Red LED's to my trunk, as additional brake lights: link.

How do you plan to integrate the module into your bike's light system? Cheers!

1993 Voyager XII
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