waiting on Russel

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waiting on Russel

Post by Lucasind »

... Decided to go ahead and part with the money and get a russel day-long seat, boxed up the stocker and mailed it away.. was told I would get my seat back around june 1st !! guess I should'nt have procrastinated on this so long !! but.... I had a thought and called carl for the first time and asked if he had a used seat in any condition that I could buy.... he paused a moment and came back with a thought of his own, he say's " how about I loan you a seat till you get yours back " You guys are right .... what a nice guy !!! of course there will be shipping costs both ways,, but it's better than losing riding time !!! ... yes we have other bikes , but I like the 03 voy/12 best !! thank you carl. :clap: tony ( lucasind )
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Re: waiting on Russel

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

he is the man!

Of course, had you thought about it earlier, you could have gotten a ratty seat with a good seat pan and sent that off to Russel. Then when it came time to part with the bike you could sell the Russel separately to recoup some $.

If you plan on keeping the XII forever then you made the right decision since you won't have to store the stock seat.
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Re: waiting on Russel

Post by Lucasind »

I was contacted by russel about my seat, they said it is done and I will get it back on monday ,june 10th.... cost w/shipping about 400. As you can all see by the original post, it took a little over 6 weeks as they said, A better time to have this job done of course would be in the winter and especially around x-mas as most people are spending their $ on gifts for others :-D .... anyway, I will be boxing up the "loaner seat " from CARL and returning it to him, I rode a little over a thousand miles with the loaner, and am anxious to make the comparison from stocker to russel ! ! cheers tony :-D
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Re: waiting on Russel

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

Trust me, it will have been worth the wait!
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Re: waiting on Russel

Post by Kevin B in Illinois »

Russell Daylong is worth the money and the wait. You will love it when you get it. Congrats.

Kevin Braddy
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