Mike Noise

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Mike Noise

Post by Skibou »

We use IMC headsets for communication, with open face helmets, but are bothered by a lot of wind noise. It doesn't help that my bike is one of the gear whiners, and the mike amplifies that sound too. I've tried every combination of the volume and "squelch" control, but so far have only succeeded in having the wind cut off the radio. Any suggestions on how to overcome this problem? Does anyone make a cover for the mike that does a better job of attenuating wind noise than the foam rubber it comes with?
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Re: Mike Noise

Post by mountainman »

We use J&M headsets, the problems are all the same with these type intercoms. We use plastic mic covers with the foam cover which eliminates wind noise. But with open mic systems like these it tough to cut noise. You can use a add on individual mic volume control accessory, which I have used with great success. Works great for a person who is having trouble with to hi of volume for them. The other fix is to go with self added push to talk mic buttons. This would be a tough one for me, but have not needed to go that far yet. sometimes on the open road long haul we will turn volume down for a while.
2012 Honda Goldwing GL1800 L2
1996 Kawasaki Voyager XII (sold)
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Re: Mike Noise

Post by OldKawDrvr »

I use the Uclear system. No mic booms. The mics are part of the earphones. Work very well on the phone. Don't have a passenger so I have no data on the intercom.
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Re: Mike Noise

Post by mountainman »

Also if your headset would happen to be giving a problem in the connections or wires at the helmet they also make noise that sounds like wind.
We have had to buy new headsets at times to fix noise issues. These headsets take a beating in the wiring right at helmet area just from use. When I put a new set on I always zip tie cord connector to headset because of all the jerking motions the thing endures. If you ever fall over in a parking lot you will fully understand what I mean. (yes I've been rubber side up enough to know its not a good thing on anything) My headset lasts maybe 3 yrs, wife's about 5 yrs.
2012 Honda Goldwing GL1800 L2
1996 Kawasaki Voyager XII (sold)
1986 Kawasaki Voyager XII (sold)
1983 Honda Silverwing GL650 I (sold)
1982 Suzuki GS750TZ (sold)
1977 Kawasaki KZ650 (sold)
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