Cant seem to find the specs on the cables. I would like to replace them, cause I think they are the originals, and they are pretty rusty. Not looking for the originals, just the specs length and pull. I want to go braided stainless......or if anyone has part numbers and brand for stainless ones............that would be even better!
Also I went to colorite's website and the only colors they show for my year are 2 different colors of red. Mine is anniversary edition and the "dark" color looks to be black?
The black is called "cosmic splender red" When you shine a flashlight at it you will see red metalflake in the black, same look at sundown and sunup, crazy paint..! Trying to use color rite is very difficult as the factory uses it in the "process" to paint the XII and you cannot duplicate the factory process, so even the best painter can't get the result of the factory out of it useing Colorite. It is best to go to a professional body shop and get them to computer match the paint you want with a good sample of the XII paint. They can sell you the paint or have them do it to get a perfect match. Also I would go with the Kaw throttle cables as you have the cruise control and the cruise switch on the cables and trying to make them would not be worth it.. imho. Have not heard of any ss ones for the XII. Carl may have access to some stock ones. Soak them in oil and they will last forever..
Thanks for the cables work just fine, its the adjusters at the handlebar that are all rusty. I don't know, I must be just getting anal about it......I take pretty good care of my stuff and rust on things just irritates me. I would also like to repaint the lighter color red on it, the cosmic red is fine its the lighter stuff that faded out. I'll find a 2 stage paint that matches the factory color rather than use the 3 stage stuff that Kawi used.