1999 Kawasaki Voyager

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1999 Kawasaki Voyager

Post by fireduc »

I have a 99 Voyager that has a temp guage/sendor problem. The guage will run normal for about 10 minutes then goes to red line and beyond. I have bleed the system per Kaw manual and put temp guage to motor and radiator. Motor block never goes above 200 and radiator never goes above 190. The water flow bar across front of motor goes up to 300 but everything else seems fine. Fan only kicks on when temp guage is way past red which makes me belive guage/sendor is off. Also I have a ground wire from thermostat housing to neg battery terminal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Re: 1999 Kawasaki Voyager

Post by chris.trombley »

Get a hold of Carl and get a new sensor it fixed my problem when I owned a 99
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Re: 1999 Kawasaki Voyager

Post by biggersm »

Welcome to the forum.

Carl Leo can be found at 731-413-8666, or voyagerparts@bellsouth.net or send him a private message. Carl can explain how to fix a problem in great detail over the phone. It is almost as if he is next to you and seeing the same thing you are.

As for the problem your temps seem to be OK. They made the Voyager XII run much cooler than the 1300 Voyager before it. Thermostat should start opening at 176 degrees and be fully open at 203 degrees (Fahrenheit).

Mix ratio should be 57% water and 43% coolant (although I usually went with 50/50 premix with no problems).

Doug from the Sunshine State Voyagers will hopefully read this at some point and if so he can provide details as to how he bought a thermometer and attached it to the block for more accurate temperature calculation.

I'm probably the least knowledgeable of those who may chime in but I'm wondering if you did a pressure check? Radiator relief cap pressure should be 11-15 PSI.

Some also swear by Engine Ice coolant but if you go that route you need to 100% purge the standard coolant out.
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Re: 1999 Kawasaki Voyager

Post by doug of so fla »

Your system seems to be working properly by the info you supplied. The gauge rcvs info from the sensor wire by the t-stat, Yellow/ black wire( I think) coming from the bullet connector you can see when you take battery & tray out look up and forward. That connector is famous for comming loose because of where and how it is connected. It must be clean & tight. Also if you follow that wire to the right fairing you may be able to see where it is connected to another bullet connector and that one may be loose or corroded also. If you fix it, it may come loose again down the road. If your are certian those connections are good, it may be at the gauge itself connection or bad gauge is usually not the problem. I do not like the bar gauges cause they tell you nothing!!.. A simple fix is a digital A/C thermometer available at Habor Frt or wherever. $5.00 insert pointy end down (HI TECH) between engine block and alternator cover. It will give you accurate TEMP in DEGREE's at the push of button. lasts for years as long as you don't forget to turn it off. And as always if you need to call Carl he can reach thru the phone and fix it or fax you the correct part!!! :-O
doug of no fla
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