Windshield Height Advice

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Windshield Height Advice

Post by RichLee »

I need some advice on replacing my windshield. I don't have anyone to help me figure out the height. I am 5' 10" tall. I would like to see just over the top. I don't want to buy the ones that you can add another piece to make it taller. The one that came with it is only about 8" tall. I get so much buffering that my neck hurts. So if someone out there is my height can you tell me what height you bought? I guess i can have it cut if it is too tall. Also if you could recommend a good place to buy please let me know. Thanks, and as always ride safe!
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Re: Windshield Height Advice

Post by dasimpson »

try Clearview they have many sizes to pick from
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Re: Windshield Height Advice

Post by Terros »

One way to determine a good height is to roll up behind a parked car at a distance you would follow at. Now, looking over the windshield now on the bike I would just hold up a ruler place it on end on top of the short windshield and see how many more inches, or mm you need to just look over the windshield and my preference is to look at the bottom of the rear tires. This should put the top of the shield at a pretty good level to see the road ahead :thmup:
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Re: Windshield Height Advice

Post by RichLee »

Terros wrote:One way to determine a good height is to roll up behind a parked car at a distance you would follow at. Now, looking over the windshield now on the bike I would just hold up a ruler place it on end on top of the short windshield and see how many more inches, or mm you need to just look over the windshield and my preference is to look at the bottom of the rear tires. This should put the top of the shield at a pretty good level to see the road ahead :thmup:
Hey that will work for me! Thanks for your time! :bowdn:
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Re: Windshield Height Advice

Post by boscoe »

dasimpson wrote:try Clearview they have many sizes to pick from
I second this one. Clearview makes a quality product at a good price.
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Re: Windshield Height Advice

Post by HMB Don »

I have the Tall Clearview shield on my 1700. Clearview's are made with a lip to get the air to flow over you. Best thing is it works, I've had my Clearview on my Voyager for the last 44k. I got mine with the gray tint, helps at night.

In October I was in Denver and drove up to visit the factory and interviewed the owner for an article on Cleaview shields, which is in the last issue of the Voyagers Voice.
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Re: Windshield Height Advice

Post by Turbo4x4 »

Just sit on a stock Voyager and mark the windshield at the height you'd like. Measure and order accordingly. You can't decide based on input from others who are the same height. Some have short legs and long torsos. Others are the opposite. Find a stock Voyager, mark the spot that's sweet for you, measure, and order. Finito !!!
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