I needed to post in this thread because I'm extremely familiar with this bike. I owned it previously. It has changed hands 3 times in the past 18 months. I see it pop up on CL periodically, and the price has come down from the original $3,995 price he was asking. In his original ad, the bike wasn't even running because of an "electrical problem."
When I bought this bike from a guy down in Orlando, it looked much better in the pictures than it did in person.
It has a lot of chrome that's been poorly maintained. While I owned it, I put a lot of effort into cleaning up what I could. I immediately had to have the seat re-done because the previous owner had used white duct tape to patch up several rips. Sargent is a great motorcycle seat company, and they're located about 10 minutes from my house, so I dropped the pan there and had them completely re-do it. I also replaced the windshield, batter, and rear tire.
The factory stereo was in a box, and an aftermarket unit was installed in the dash. When I pulled that out to put the stock radio back, I discovered that the metal framework in the dash had been cut out to install the new stereo. This created a real mess because when I'd ride the bike, the fairing would rattle like crazy when I hit any minor bumps. The stereo itself actually looked like it was floating because it wasn't attached to anything structural.
The gas gauge was entertaining. It would display up to a point, then go blank, and reappear when the fuel level got down to near empty. I never got around to dealing with that because I was planning to replace the entire gas tank. The reason being, it had that typical Kawasaki rust along the bead on the right side that was just starting to become visible, and I was contemplating either fixing it or replacing the entire tank.
The one thing about the bike that I absolutely loved was riding it on the highway. Holy cow, that bike was built for highway rides. Not so much for around town, which is where I do probably 90-95% of my riding. It's a heavy bike that isn't exactly maneuverable in traffic, but boy, it did have enough throttle to get away from any situation quickly. It was like riding a freight train down the interstate. The engine ran really well, and it sounded good at speed.
Cosmetically, aside from the rust on the chrome, there were a few issues involving the plastic on the fairing. Particularly around the air gauge, it was busted up there and a lousy patch job had been done to glue the pieces back together. You an see in the pics he posted on CL that below the gauge it's cracked, but still functional.
On the case guards, there were pegs installed, but whoever did it must have decided they'd never change them because they were actually welded on, and the left peg was snapped off at some point, leaving a hole that was covered up by a clip on.
It had electrical issues as well. Mostly because someone had poorly wired up all the extra lighting on the bike for the case guards and on the front fender. I had wires in there that went to nothing. They were just dangling there, so I had started to clean that mess up when I found my current bike.
I sold the bike when I came across my current XII (which was the exact bike down to the color option I had wanted to begin with) to a guy down in Sunrise, FL. He had owned several of these previously, and was looking to get back on bikes. I sold it to him for $2,300. He took it home, parked it, hurt his back seriously enough to where he couldn't ride it, and put it up for sale. He did nothing with it. He advertised the bike for the same price I did, so I'm assuming he got around the same for it from the current owner, who tried to sell it for almost double the money when he put it up for sale.
What's funny about this story is that when the current owner put it up for sale the first time, he didn't mention anything about the updated seat. So, I sent him an email and said it looked like the seat had been replaced. lol The ad changed the next time he posted it to include the seat update.
From 20 feet away, the bike looks pretty good. And sitting on it riding down the road is a blast. But, it is a bike that does need a good bit of work for someone who wants a really nice ride, and the parts are getting harder to find, especially the cosmetic ones.
If you can pick the bike up cheap, it's got issues, but mechanically it's rock solid (at least it was when I owned it). It's once again advertised on CL (
http://miami.craigslist.org/brw/mcy/3335757437.html) and the price has fallen by $1,000, so it's getting closer to reasonable.
There used to be a 1300 that popped up regularly on eBay and CL. The guy wanted $1500 for it. The picture he would post screamed $750 because the bike had clearly been buried in his garage and forgotten. He didn't bother cleaning it or anything. Didn't even move the stuff out of the way before snapping a picture!