Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

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Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by debron »

If you are joining the AVA or renewing your membership here are a couple of things you need to keep in mind:

--> I'm only human and make mistakes.
--> I'm a volunteer, I don't get paid for being webmaster.
--> The only way I can find you in the Forum database is by your User Name or email address.
--> If your name does not appear in "green" within a week simply email or PM me and I will fix it promptly.
--> Approximately half of all AVA members are not registered on the forum.

Why this matters:

--> If your application does not have your user name and your email address is different from what is in your forum profile, I will not find you in the forum database and can only conclude you are one of the AVA members who are not registered on the forum. If your are in fact a forum member, your name will remain in red.
--> Then again, maybe you did provide the correct information and I still missed you. It happens.

Neither of these are a catastrophe, you are not being intentionally slighted, and I can and will fix it in about 30 seconds (if I have internet access) as soon as I learn of the situation.

Ron in Oregon
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by Lucasind »

I, for one will chime in here, and add my thanks for you , and ALL other "webmasters" before you..... when you just brought up the point ,that ,this is a UNPAID job ! .... :Cball Do I sense a certain stress level rising, for you to make this post......... RON..... You TOTALLY got this ! :bravo:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by Bill in Pgh »

I need to renew both my AVA membership and the ROK membership. I recall that there is a code to use on ROK to get a substantial discount. Can I do both online at the same time with this code? Tx in advance Billy
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by debron »

No, they are separate processes, different organizations., though you can do both online. If you don't remember the ROK discount code, I'll send it to you when you renew your AVA membership. Send me an email when you renew your AVA membership.
Ron in Oregon
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by bobingeorgia »

What is ROK?
What are benefits of membership in Voyager Association and dues?
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by debron »

ROK is Riders of Kawasaki, though you do not need to own a Kawasaki to join. They put out a monthly e-magazine called "Accelerate" with various motorcycle related articles, mostly Kawasaki oriented. Their biggest benefit is their towing insurance. If you need assistance, call their 800 number and they will find the nearest motorcycle tow truck and pay up to $250 of the tow bill. AVA members get $10 off the annual dues of $29, making ROK membership only $19. One of the greatest bargains out there.

As for the benefits of joining the AVA, well you get the $10 ROK discount, You get the AVA magazine, Voyager's Voice with articles by and about AVA members, patches, pins, stickers, the Tech Tips manual if you have a XII (we don't yet have a Tech Tips manual for the 1700,), discount on Kawasaki parts, etc. See a summary of the benefits here: Those are the tangible benefits.

As for the intangible benefits, We have 15 local, regional, and state chapter clubs you can join that sponsor rides, even regional rallies, not to mention parties! Then there is the annual AVA rally, nothing like Sturgis or those kinds of rallies. A friendly, intimate event with guided and self-guided rides, banquets and parties, many prizes and give-aways, bike skills games, bike show-n-shine, and general socializing. And your rally registration fees cover only a portion of the cost of putting on the rally, the remainder subsidized from your dues. Also you help support the organization that brings you this website and forum. Yes you can get the benefits of this forum for free, and many people do just come here to get what they can for free then leave. That's fine, no worries. But many of us appreciate the help and support we receive and want to give back.
Ron in Oregon
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by grumpin »

Thanks Ron! :clap:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by bobingeorgia »

God Bless
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by Lance McCaw »

I just officially joined AVA after being here almost a year. I am glad I did. I love the advice and the friends. Thank you all !!
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by hank43 »

debron wrote:ROK is Riders of Kawasaki, though you do not need to own a Kawasaki to join. They put out a monthly e-magazine called "Accelerate" with various motorcycle related articles, mostly Kawasaki oriented. Their biggest benefit is their towing insurance. If you need assistance, call their 800 number and they will find the nearest motorcycle tow truck and pay up to $250 of the tow bill. AVA members get $10 off the annual dues of $29, making ROK membership only $19. One of the greatest bargains out there.

As for the benefits of joining the AVA, well you get the $10 ROK discount, You get the AVA magazine, Voyager's Voice with articles by and about AVA members, patches, pins, stickers, the Tech Tips manual if you have a XII (we don't yet have a Tech Tips manual for the 1700,), discount on Kawasaki parts, etc. See a summary of the benefits here: Those are the tangible benefits.

As for the intangible benefits, We have 15 local, regional, and state chapter clubs you can join that sponsor rides, even regional rallies, not to mention parties! Then there is the annual AVA rally, nothing like Sturgis or those kinds of rallies. A friendly, intimate event with guided and self-guided rides, banquets and parties, many prizes and give-aways, bike skills games, bike show-n-shine, and general socializing. And your rally registration fees cover only a portion of the cost of putting on the rally, the remainder subsidized from your dues. Also you help support the organization that brings you this website and forum. Yes you can get the benefits of this forum for free, and many people do just come here to get what they can for free then leave. That's fine, no worries. But many of us appreciate the help and support we receive and want to give back.

Know what Ron? At least for me, the bestest part of the rally is getting to the rally - I love those long trips, especially while riding with someone else! Getting away from the stress of work, the traffic in the city, and just riding somewhere far away - (And, not worrying about running out of gas, now that I got my new improved larger gas tank!)

See you in June!

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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by debron »

Yes, Hank, I can't disagree with that! Last year's coast-to-coast trip was the best. Too bad you and Gert missed it! This year it's a short ride to Colorado!
Ron in Oregon
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by JosephToulouse »

Hi everyone!!
I just joined the AVA...........when do You think I will get My packet and info???


Ride safe!!


Joseph :hmm:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by debron »


You should have received your materials within two weeks after you joined. Contact Bronson at to check on the status of your membership materials.
Ron in Oregon
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Joseph, WELCOME!
Don't be shy, ask any questions you have and please give any advice, words of wisdom and share experiences. Oh pictures, share pics; we all love pics!
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by hank43 »

debron wrote:Yes, Hank, I can't disagree with that! Last year's coast-to-coast trip was the best. Too bad you and Gert missed it! This year it's a short ride to Colorado!

Yeah, health issues prevented us from attending that one, but we did make the nearly coast to coast the year before! :thmup:

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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by joelcolletti »

hank43 wrote:
debron wrote:Yes, Hank, I can't disagree with that! Last year's coast-to-coast trip was the best. Too bad you and Gert missed it! This year it's a short ride to Colorado!

Yeah, health issues prevented us from attending that one, but we did make the nearly coast to coast the year before! :thmup:

I agree: What a trip - can't believe 8 months have past. I just finished getting the road grime off my machine today.

Found these photos:






I have so many great photos and videos, I should really get them organized and posted. I'm just starting to get caught up with this subject. I can hardly wait to do a coast to coast again - Maybe a Daytona Bike Week or Sturgis 75th Anniversary Run anybody...?

See you all soon :wnk2:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by CraigZ »

Hey all. I'm a fairly new member who joined back in April. I just joined the Voyager family having just bought '01 XII a little over a month ago with just a tad over 96K on the clock. It runs strong and doesn't need much except a few more miles on the OD.

BTW, Lucasind and I are old buddies having both graduated from American Motorcycle Institute way back in the late 70's. He's a brother from another mother.

Anyhow I'm looking forward to getting in some good riding this winter in sunny FLA.
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by Lucasind »

...Sorry for not responding earlier Craig Z.....and I must say that I can't believe NOT ONE person on this forum, of normally "great guys" has made a post ,welcoming you to the group ! This is NOT the norm ol buddy !! ....can't wait to get to your sunny ,warm, weather during the holidays to ride that 2001 XII, as much as I can !! So sorry that all you have to ride is your brand new HD :laughing: .......JUST TEASING ! .......Tony
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by sillybiscuit »

Welcome Craig Z...I picked up a 2002 last year and love it. I too just officially joined AVA after snooping around for a while. Can't believe the amount of wisdom here. Everybody is so helpful. The quality of people are so very different than the people i'm used to riding with. I guess that's another reason why the custom Harley sits in the corner of the garage collecting dust. ....Anyways, welcome to the best forum on the internet
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by Lucasind »

Thank you "sillybiscuit" for being the first(and only) person to "welcome" my old friend Craig Z to the group ! :shock:

He and I went thru the American Motorcycle Institute (AMI) back in the late 70's together.
That was a long time ago ! :!!
We met there ...and have remained close friends over the last 35 +years !

Over the 2015 holidays ...I went to visit my ol 'buddy and got in some AWESOME riding together in the "sunshine state" (and they ain't kidding !)...........................Tony :-D

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