New plastics for an 09 Voyager

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New plastics for an 09 Voyager

Post by uhdcjkb »

Getting the candy plasma blue parts is a very long term process...They have to be made in japan and shipped. Can be up to 8 weeks. So...I ordered 2015 outer and inner fairings and a rh lower outer fairing in the gray black, and will have them painted. Everything fits, but the 2015 inner fairing does NOT have mounting pins to hold the gauges against it. Everything looks the same on parts diagrams...same screws, etc. If anyone is an expert on identifying engineering changes between part numbers, you would be a very valuable resource.

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Re: New plastics for an 09 Voyager

Post by hank43 »


So what happened to your fairing? and also, I wish you luck on getting things painted. I wanted to have a trailer painted to match my 2009 vv1700 Voyager, (Also blue) but in California because of the crazy VOC laws on paint, the Kawasaki factory paint is not available, or at least, no paint shop will spray it due to the very heavy fines levied if they are caught.... Kawasaki factory paint is multi-part paint, base, color, and clear coat. This is a high VOC paint, and California won't allow anything except water based paint .....


Oh yeah, BTW, I recently discovered that the Harley blue paint almost perfectly matches the Kawasaki, and it is legal in California, might wanna check that out.
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Re: New plastics for an 09 Voyager

Post by rick »

On my 2012, the gages dont attach to the inner fairing either, I believe they attach inside the fairing and the inner fairing just kinda floats over them.
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