Rally at Hurley.

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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

P.M sent
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

Lucasind wrote:....Yeah Loren .... I too am looking forward to the rally ! Have not heard about the rally registration yet (perhaps a bit too soon)

This morning....was very cold ( compared to lately ) ...got the wood stove fired up early...started looking at stuff ...and decided ,out of boredom .... to cut my work bench in half....and emptied out two steel cabinets.... to bring in two newly acquired steel industrial work benches (barter is good !)
Gonna start re-fabbing the shop :hpdc: cause when it gets to this time of year, I gotta do stuff BEFORE the arctic blast really hits :cold: ....I am also gonna get rid of the street rod (panel truck)this year, and take it down to store it at one of my other garages for this winter, freeing up a bunch of space :bowdn: GEEZ ! when we can't go riding...we get
"ALL AMBITIOUS" :gig: .............and rip the shop apart...improvement is good ! .......Tony :-D


After work today ...started the long process of taking everything out of three more cabinets that have been accumulating "precious commodities" for 15 years since the steel factory that I used to work at closed :-( .... ( my, how time flies by )
Ya don't realize how much "stuff" ya really have ....till ya put a eyeball on it....by taking everything out ! :tired: I found stuff I have not seen in years ...and been meaning to get back to !....Now I have more things to accomplish ...after this gets done !
I am starting to think my wife MAY be right when she says ..."ya got too much SHEET !

A Long process ...but I got some decent 50 degree weather this week to make progress.
Here is a look at a "train wreck"


The left wall is getting re-done with industrial metal top steel work benches that I got for barter Gonna be great to have a new work area !
I was hauling out soooo much stuff....that I finally went and got the wheel barrow !
You should see the drive way,... out in front of the garage ! Ran out of day light ...and put a period on it for today !.............................Tony :-D
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by cushman eagle »

Tony,It looks like a tornado went through your shop! :gig: You do have insurance for that ,don't you? :rolling: :laughing: The weather forcast does not look good for riding this weekend. :cold: I am gathering things up for my winter service.Got to get the VXII ready for Hurley. :thmup: :woohoo:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

....Put in about 30 hours into making the shop better. Three FULL cabinets of "stuff" has been relocated to the "outside" of the "heated" area....freeing up a lot of space for the new (to me) work benches :woohoo: .......I built some new shelves ,and have a nice place to put some of my m/c service manuals :hpdc:


Spent the entire day working out in the shop finishing up...the re-fab of the garage ! :woohoo:
Mounted a new ,bigger bench vice that is 15 years old and never been used !(that's me :lol: ).......

Also getting my son Brad's bike ready to go down to Orlando FL. here in a few weeks, we are gonna ride to Daytona, Ormond Beach,St. Petersburg...and all points in between ! :bowdn: Can't wait to get there and try out my newly acquired 01' Voyager XII.
The Z-REX got a much needed new front tire,and new front brakes today, also removed the second OEM cam chain tensioner cause I ordered a new APE manual tensioner,and eliminated ALL cam chain rattle ! (finger tight ONLY on the adjustment) ! Hoping for GREAT weather...in Florida...cause that is a long way to travel to have a bad week of weather !


I finished up sorting out a couple of 5 gallon buckets of nuts bolts and washers that I acquire from "plant closings"... on my day -to-day forklift repairs...when I go to places like Home Depot,and Lowe's ...I become Ill, when I see how much fasteners, that used to be "nickel-dime
" stuff costs now a days ! :dm: ...so ,when a plant manager tells me "take what ever ya want"....I do !...............................Tony :-D
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by broksonic »

Hey Tony,

I just noticed the lights you have on the front of your ride. The ones (from the picture) looks like you have mounted in the front vent intake. Are those mounted "in" or "in front of" the vents?

If they are mounted "in", please do tell how.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

:gig: ....Oh you noticed that ?....I did that a few years back ....one of them "winter boredom "things ! :lol: .......Actually I had to do that install twice ! They are mounted on the outside of the vents.Up north here, don'really care if the vents are partially blocked anyway.
I made up some brackets and did the install ....then Gene Kap got the "shiny things" done, so after I bought Gene's pieces, I had to take the job back apart and re-do it. :lol:

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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by broksonic »


Another winter project added to the list... :hmm:
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by lemonhead »

Hello boys and girls I am brand-new almost a virgin with my 1985 ZN 1300...
I am 58 now but I've been riding for all I guess 50 years now, that I started out on a four hp rupp...

I am curious about how far everybody has to go to get to this wingding....
According to the map I have bought 216 miles... how do post a pic of this bike... anyone interested in a 1983 loaded wing :-O
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Me Again »

Welcome Dan.
I am just down the road in Madison .
Only about 275 miles from Hurley. Still not sure if I will make though
How do you like your 1300 .
I ride an 84 and just love it.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by sir old dirt »

Congratulations on the 1300. Super machine. We had two before switching brands. We will travel from Southern Illinois, about 700 miles to Hurley. That 1300 will have no problem.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by broksonic »

lemonhead wrote:Hello boys and girls I am brand-new almost a virgin with my 1985 ZN 1300...
I am 58 now but I've been riding for all I guess 50 years now, that I started out on a four hp rupp...

I am curious about how far everybody has to go to get to this wingding....
According to the map I have bought 216 miles... how do post a pic of this bike... anyone interested in a 1983 loaded wing :-O

Welcome lemonhead,

To post a picture here you first will need an outside photo posting site. I use Photobucket
http://www.photobucket.com its a free site that will allow x amount of photos to be uploaded and stored there.

Once you have an account, then you will need to upload your pictures you want to share.

After you upload your pictures you will see a screen something like this..


Click on whichever image in Photobucket you want to post to the AVA forum message and you will see a screen something like this one..


Off to the right side of the screen you will see "share this photo". You will need to click the one i have circled, "direct". When you click it (one time) you will see it says "copied"

Now in the forum message you are writing you will need to press the "Img" button at the top ..


In your message you will see "[ img][/ img]" pop up after pushing the "Img" button at the top. Copy the information you got from photobucket between the spots indicated in the picture. Easiest way to do this is make sure your curser is in that spot then hit and hold the "Ctrl" key and press the "V" key. You should see a line of information pop up from photobucket. Thats your picture.

If you want to post more than one picture, just repeat the process.

I always hit the "Preview" button at the bottom of the page to make sure everything is showing up correctly in my message before i post it. If it all looks good, then i hit the "Submit" button.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

Welcome Lemmonhead !

I am" wingless" for the first time in decades since selling both my wings ! Even I realized having 5 touring bikes may be too many :lol:
If you show up at the rally with your 1300 six cylinder....we just may have a record number in attendance this year ! ( I also have a 85' 1300) but I will be riding my XII to Hurley ! Hope you can make it ! and again WELCOME to the group !.....................Tony :-D
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by lemonhead »

I just love, LOVE this voyager... it handles better than the 1983 Wing.. I am in need of new shoes so bad as there is SUPER danger going on both units... issue im having is there are way too many brands and sizes to get job done... I am told by doctors I have to stay way way of a distance from stress and find its a hard, very bad for me to find the right shoes.. I do want as wide as ( first number of the three ) so more tread is exposed to contact.. second ( Middle # ) I would like to have at 90 or even a little lower so I can get lower.. I also am looking for other lemons to get back on the ride side... I do have a bucket account but would have thought there would been a straight shot for posting pics... very happy to walk good enough now to ride again.. surprisingly wowed of how many people believe I should not ride because I cant walk very well... seems they get real pissed when I tell them I dont walk much while riding...
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by broksonic »

With the amount of pictures that get posted here, posting straight to the AVA website would eat a lot of storage up.. so to save space offsite storage.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by lemonhead »

broksonic wrote:With the amount of pictures that get posted here, posting straight to the AVA website would eat a lot of storage up.. so to save space offsite storage.
I didnt think of that.. now I have to get bigger pockets to store all the intelligence I have
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by vxiirider »

Made our motel reservations today for the Hurley Rally and we are really looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones. This will be the 14th we have attended since 2002.

I am wondering where the registration form is, it seems like it is generally posted on the AVA Web Page by now.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by usmalenurse »

vxiirider wrote:Made our motel reservations today for the Hurley Rally and we are really looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones. This will be the 14th we have attended since 2002.

I am wondering where the registration form is, it seems like it is generally posted on the AVA Web Page by now.

I was wondering about that as well.....I made my reservations over the past weekend and hope it works out this year. :pray:
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by cushman eagle »

I have not seen anything yet about registration for the rally! :hmm: Has anything been established for that? :thk: :corn:
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

Loren ....PM sent to you .
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by ohiojack »

Hey Tony/Loren: I'm get my registration ready to be sent in, and I was wondering what the optional monday night event was. Is this another dinner out? Maybe other's could let me know too. Also Tony I'm going to have to get directions to your house to meet on Saturday morning June 18th? ohiojack
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