Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

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Updated the issue of Voyagers Voice Available to View...

Post by debron »

Here is a link to the Sept/Oct 2013 edition of the Voyager's Voice magazine. This magazine is normally available only to AVA members but due to the reorganization, change in editor and content of the magazine, and the information in the magazine from the AVA Board members, this issue is available to anyone/everyone as a one-time special. Enjoy, and thanks to Don Medina (HMB Don) for all the hard work it takes to produce such a publication.

Voyager's Voice Magazine (Click Here - PDF document)
Ron in Oregon
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by grumpin »

Thanks Ron!
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by crash33 »

wow, great read, got a good insite to a lot of other riders and the board, to be honest im still on the fence as to joining, just not sure of the total benefit but would entertain the idea.
what were the major changes in the board and why?

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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by gearheadfla »

crash33 wrote:wow, great read, got a good insite to a lot of other riders and the board, to be honest im still on the fence as to joining, just not sure of the total benefit but would entertain the idea.
what were the major changes in the board and why?

One of the benefits of joining is a deep discount for ROK, Riders Of Kawasaki, the roadside and towing package alone is well worth it, also you get discounted hotel rates, that has saved me more money than the cost of membership alone, 3 years ago we was at Daytona Bikeweek and my alt. went out, we was 120 miles from home, 1 phone call and a tow truck was with us in less than a hour, carefully tied my XII down on the truck and 2 hours later we was home. I don't want to know what that would have cost without ROK. Now when I travel I have piece of mind that I won't be stranded somewhere, BTW, during Bikeweek, you can not find a room anywhere on short notice, but we slept in or own bed that night. You can also get discounts at most Kawasaki dealerships too.
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by ekap1200 »

crash33 wrote:wow, great read, got a good insite to a lot of other riders and the board, to be honest im still on the fence as to joining, just not sure of the total benefit but would entertain the idea.
what were the major changes in the board and why?

Good morning crash33. Well the ROK, is a great package and along with the discount we are just a great group of friends to belong too.

But all considered. When you are a paid member you receive a roster of contacts of members willing to help in an emergency situation. In this roster of names and contact numbers is listed what services our members will go out of their way to help . Be it , a place to work on your bike, tools to work on your bike, a room to sleep in , A truck or trailer to pick you up, and someone to just be there for you when your 2000 miles from home. I have traveled dang near coast to coast alone with not a care in the world. Knowing my voyager family is there for me in whatever state I ride through....priceless
When you give it some thought of what one day out on your bike costs you. lets say 2 tanks of fuel 28.00 ; coffee,doughnut, cigarette's 12.00 ; lunch 7.00 .... Well that's more than a years dues . Plus I like the pin and patch Eugene Kapuscinski

Southern New Jersey. (pick up truck available, spare room, climate control'ed - shop and tools, 24 hr phone contact, home cooked meal. ) What more could one expect from a membership.
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by joelcolletti »

Congrats on getting the V.V. online. I enjoyed rereading it this evening. It looks like it was a great year. Thanks to you and Don / Trisha and the rest of the Board for bringing us this.
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by Mart656 »

Just finished reading the online copy if the Voyagers Voice. Good job!! :woohoo:
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by HMB Don »

The Spring issue of the Voyagers Voice was emailed today. I think it's great, but if you're an AVA member and didn't receive the VV, email me at .
Don Medina
NorCal Voyagers Club

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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by jre258 in SoDak »

Have there been any further issues of the Voyager's Voice since the spring issue? If so, I may have not gotten the email with the link to it.
The cager waving at you might just be a frustrated, fellow biker.
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by Highway Rider »

Contact Don Medina he is the one above your post.There is a email link there that you can use . Then he will have the correct email that you won't use.
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by cushman eagle »

I just viewed the last VV sent 12-24-15. :perfect10: A big thanks to Don for his work. :thanks:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by ekap1200 »

I also finished reading the newest edition of VV and would also like to thank our secret benefactor for their donation of $1000 to the American Voyager Association. So far, this person has graciously donated $3000! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Who ever you are may God Bless you and keep you safe on all your journey's

Gene Kap
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by Stormryder »

I just recently joined The AVA but have not seen a VV yet. Is there a way to view past issues?
West Michigan

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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by Highway Rider »

Stormryder wrote:I just recently joined The AVA but have not seen a VV yet. Is there a way to view past issues?

PM and email sent
Jim & Karol
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by rock42 »

rd ur early issues but not able to get 2015 issues getting 404 error code page not avalible liked the early issues want to keep up with the new letter. is it me or is the page gone.
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by Highway Rider »

I will look into it thanks
Jim & Karol
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Re: Voyagers Voice Available to View. . .

Post by Highway Rider »

issue corrected 2-23-16 2:05pm
Jim & Karol
2003 Voyager XII
IBA #57976
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IBA 1500 miles in 36 hours
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