Throttle cables the same ???

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Throttle cables the same ???

Post by Stoogefan »

Afternoon folks ... question.
I have an `88 Voyager 1300 and my throttle cables are shot. I have a new push cable, but broke the open cable trying to install it.
I've found an entire cable assembly online but it's for `87 Voyager XII. Photos look the same but the part numbers are different.
Anyone know if this assembly will work on mine ? I'm having a helluva time finding a new open cable
Jeff - SW Ontario, Canada
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Re: Throttle cables the same ???

Post by trikebldr »

Can't say for sure since my Voyagers are '84 and '85, but according to the manaul, both the '87 and '88 models use the same cables since they are the cruise-control models. I just looked and they don't differentiate between the two in the manual.
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Re: Throttle cables the same ???

Post by Me Again »

I doubt the 1300 cable and the XII cable are the same .
If you compare the picture of the XII cable with the cable you just broke ,don't compare stock photos , you may find that with a little fandangling you could make it work .
I suppose it is possible they used the same cable assembly on both bikes.
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